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by Maximiliano Rios
How to use the new Identity framework with external authentication services such as Google, Facebook, Twitter and so forth, retrieving information from users profiles. Including NInject integration.
by Zijian
Reusable codes for JWT security in business applications
by Wessel Beulink
Azure API Center Portal streamlines API management; Visual Studio Code extension enhances collaboration and productivity within Azure ecosystem.
by Zijian
Share Identity Bear Tokens among Distributed ASP.NET Core Web APIs

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by Zijian
Share Identity Bear Tokens among Distributed ASP.NET Core Web APIs
by Zijian
Reusable codes for JWT security in business applications
by Wessel Beulink
Azure API Center Portal streamlines API management; Visual Studio Code extension enhances collaboration and productivity within Azure ecosystem.
by Denny Boechat
The Importance of Secure Authentication in Web Applications and the Role of Identity Providers

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22 Jan 2015 by Maximiliano Rios
How to use the new Identity framework with external authentication services such as Google, Facebook, Twitter and so forth, retrieving information from users profiles. Including NInject integration.
17 Apr 2024 by Zijian
Reusable codes for JWT security in business applications
13 Aug 2014 by Amol_B
Hello ,I am facing a weird issue with tables in my database.Tables in my application are created with a primary key defined (with Clustered index).Identity seed is a one for all tables in my database (IDENTITY(1,1)).CRUD operations are done on these databases using stored procedure...
13 Aug 2014 by Gupta Poonam
You might find your answer here..[^]
13 Aug 2014 by OriginalGriff
Never seen or heard of that as a problem: and SQL Identity fields are used so often I'm pretty sure it would show up.Are you sure that is exactly what is happening? It would be easy to see that kind of change if rows are deleted for example, since the identity values will not be...
13 Aug 2014 by Amol_B
SQL Server 2012 Auto Identity Column Value Jump Issue[^]
19 Mar 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I already explained why your problem is not quite suitable for expert's help. That cannot be a solution, so it was just a comment.But I do have some tentative solution.Georgi Kostadinov wrote:I'm not interested so much in programming but that's the task so I just want to finish it on...
21 Mar 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
You should try wrapping the name between [] and then trying it again. Such as, [ApplicationName] and then try. If doesn't work, please change the column's name inside your database table and try something else.
1 Feb 2024 by Wessel Beulink
Azure API Center Portal streamlines API management; Visual Studio Code extension enhances collaboration and productivity within Azure ecosystem.
8 Mar 2024 by Andre Oosthuizen
Your first issue is happening with this code - return pc.ValidateCredentials(username, password); No credentials were found, returning a 'NULL' value. The second part then, based on the NULL value is - // Redirect to login if username is...
11 May 2024 by Zijian
Share Identity Bear Tokens among Distributed ASP.NET Core Web APIs
18 Aug 2014 by tony_01
I have this sample stored procedure(below) for inserting data in a table. Basically, in this query, it will NOT insert the data if the employee ID already exists. My code works fine in VB6, I was able to insert record using the stored proc, but I don't know how to check if the record already...
18 Aug 2014 by Mycroft Holmes
This tip may be of use to you Combining Insert/Update to one Procedure[^]I will forgo the obligatory rant about using a dead language.
19 Aug 2014 by Terence van Schalkwyk
I have been searching for an answer on the web for this and cant seem to find one, not sure if I am wording my search incorrectly or not.If I have a contact table:FirstName | LastName | OwnerOwner links to the ASP Identity tableHow when my user logs in will can I make it that it...
16 Oct 2014 by Member 10494041
First of all, this error does not appear while testing the application locally on visual studio. It only appears in the production. And most importantly "IT DOES NOT APPEAR EVERYTIME". If that error occurs and we re-run the application and repeat the same steps then the error won't occur again....
16 Oct 2014 by George Jonsson
I think you should add some control statements in your code and throw exceptions and/or write to a log file if something is amiss.You can do this in several places in order to narrow down where your error origins.1. Check if the property AUSORD.DataAccess.Common.LoginName is changed...
4 Nov 2014 by sujithkumarsl
I am new to ASPNET Identity 2.0. I would like to know the way to customize Identity 2.0 to work with two databases. One db for authentication (like and IDP but I can query this db). Another one for authorization (role table). Any help?He the authentication table is the centralized Identity...
9 Nov 2014 by Suraj Sahoo | Coding Passion
DotNet tricks[^]Extending Identity Accounts and Implementing Role-Based Authentication in ASP.NET MVC 5[^]A Beginner's Tutorial on Custom Forms Authentication in ASP.NET MVC Application[^]The above links are some very good links/articles on Authentication and authorization.These would...
24 Nov 2014 by NAPorwal(8015059)
Hello,I want to implement account confirmation feature in my project. I am referring below url to make the things happen.,-email-confirmation-and-password-reset[^]Since I am very...
11 Jan 2015 by sandeep nagabhairava
Hi,I need a requirement to create a project in MVC5 using Web Api2 with identity and views in the same project. I'm new to this topics, how can i customize identity and how can i get values from ApiController to Views. for this i searched a lot but no one have example with above three. ...
11 Jan 2015 by Suraj Sahoo | Coding Passion
ASP.NET Identity 2.0: Introduction to Working with Identity 2.0 and Web API 2.2[^]Go through this article, you will get the understanding of what you need.Thanks
5 Feb 2015 by Alexandru-Marius Dobre
Hello, I have a unsolutioned problem for the past days. I have an WebForms application wich uses individual accounts for login using Idendity 2.0. After I deployed the application to production environment I noticed that the users are not logged in after a certain amount of time (approx...
13 Feb 2015 by Chad Cromer
Hello,I am working through some MVC 6 and ASP.NET 5 samples and I am having issues finding any worthy documentation on using bearer tokens to secure API's. I am able to make such samples work with VS 2013, MVC 5 but I am unable to port these over to VS 2015 and MVC 6. Does anyone know of...
17 Feb 2015 by Luis Oliveira 1966
Hello.I wonder how to use Identity ASP.NET on a n-tier design.I have a DLL that provides all the business logic, except authentication and authorization.I would like to implement it using ASP.NET Identity, but I'm finding it difficult to expose the classes of this DLL to the MVC...
17 Feb 2015 by Abhinav S
This is generally done by hosting OWIN files in another virtual directory and exposing these services either through WCF or WebApi.In this case, you want to integrate authentication into the business dll and so you will need to find a mechanism to host the dll as a service.I'm not aware of...
23 Mar 2015 by Member 11513753
Hi All,I am trying to implement Identity in my web (MVC5) application. In User Authentication method I am authenticating user, if user exist then I am manually creating Claims Identity and Principal in my application (Authentication.cs). After that I am assigning the Claims Principal...
24 Mar 2015 by Madelinelise
I'm currently learning using web forms. Currently I am working on a basic profile system for a logged in user than can directly edit the information the user registered with.Upon doing some research I decided to use the identity feature built right in to the standard web forms...
11 Apr 2015 by jaylisto
i want to develop a web base parking systemi want to retrieve the newly inserted or latest generated identity from sql server database.after filling up and saving the new inserted data to the tablei want to display that identity value from the may i suppose to do...
11 Apr 2015 by OriginalGriff
Start by looking at your SP and see exactly what it does. Concentrate on the output parameter.If that's all ok (and you can test it in SSMS to check) then you need to start looking at the code where you use the return value - which you don't show...
11 Apr 2015 by Abhinav S
Check out six different to get the last identity - 6 Different Ways To Get The Current Identity Value in SQL[^].
11 Apr 2015 by Member 10996912
Check out to get the last identity @@identity
11 Apr 2015 by ShahidRiaz
Try to user ExecuteScalar instead of using ExecuteNonQuery.Its reason is that ExecuteNonQuery returns number of records affected.While the ExecuteScalar returns the record from the first column of the first row of a given query. So if your query is returning the correct value, then...
13 Apr 2015 by Madelinelise
Alright, I've searched and searched and even checked out the similar questions here. None of them are getting me what I need.I currently have a Web Forms application that is using Identity. Right now I am trying to allow someone who is registering to choose from two different roles. One is...
13 May 2015 by Ahsen Mehmood Rana
Hi,I've to use Oracle 11g with ASP.NET MVC 5 and Entity Framework 6. I'm trying to use ASP.NET Identity to do user and role management and want to store this data in my Oracle 11g DB. I've Oracle.ManagedDataAccess and ODP.NET in my project. What is the best way to use Identity with Oracle in...
13 May 2015 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
When you are choosing identity management of ASP.NET, all the data goes thru a single connection string, so if you point that string to an Oracle database your identity will be stored in Oracle...This is a sample of common usage of...
1 Jun 2015 by Member 11733471
During the whole day I just tried to add a single property to my AspNetUsers table generated by identity. I wanted that property to be a foreign key to a "Clients" table so that each client has it's own user and all the data of the client is in that respective clients table.So here is what...
2 Jun 2015 by Member 11733471
In reply to all comments, yeah I did migrations (but nothing was added) and this is the error I'm getting (and yes it is about migrations):[^]
11 Jun 2015 by vezo11
Hi,I'm using existing (generated) mechanism for login (i was created new web form - web application project).I added tables for identity in my database and changed the conn string.Functionality for registration works very fine, but when I log out, I can not log in again. I get the...
12 Jun 2015 by vezo11
The problem was in the database. The solution can be found here:- entity framework 4.1 invalid column name[^]- Invalid column name “User_Id”[^]Thanks
7 Aug 2015 by TejashDesai
Hi,I am developing 3 application in MVC4. I want to use OpenId Connect, ASPnet Identity 2.2 and Thinktecture for authentication and authorization as well as for SSO. Following is my use case:Every application have their own login page. When user enter username and password in application...
19 Aug 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
You must ask such questions under the article or blog post itself, it helps the authors to maintain their article contents to help the readers and can also help any other reader if he has the same question. Asking a question on a separate forum doesn't help you, readers or anyone. ASP.NET...
6 Oct 2015 by Airbag
I am generating a EmailConfirmationToken for email confirmation. The generated token looks like this:...
6 Oct 2015 by Richard Deeming
It looks like you've forgotten to URL-encode the code when you created the confirmation URL. For backwards-compatibility, browsers treat a + in the query-string as an encoded space.When you generate the URL, you need to use the HttpUtility.UrlEncode method[^] to encode the parameters....
6 Oct 2015 by Airbag
I'm trying to implement a registration prozess for my webapp. I am using this process for generating a EmailConfirmationToken and sending it via email to the user. if (result.Succeeded) { string code = await userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user.Id); Uri baseUri...
6 Oct 2015 by Member 12003400
For unique token create GUIDstring strToken = Convert.ToBase64String(Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray());Or you can use date time time stamp and generate token.byte[] time = BitConverter.GetBytes(DateTime.UtcNow.ToBinary());byte[] key = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray();string token =...
6 Apr 2021 by Richard Deeming
The foreach block in your view makes no sense - why would a class representing a single user implement IEnumerable? But the problem appears to be in your action: // Find the user with the specified ID, and store it in the MyUser property:...
13 Jul 2021 by markmark01
I have the code below Javascript and HTML I am implementing buttons for a queue of customers, each button that is clicked will increase a number. Until then I managed to solve. I want to identify each button that is clicked. For example. When...
13 Jul 2021 by Chris Copeland
All of your buttons are making calls to the JS uppass() method, but how do you identify which of the buttons made the click? You can add support for this by adding a parameter to your method: function uppass (key) { Then you can pass the value...
23 Aug 2021 by Emil12345687
Hello and thanks in advance, i have a problem with a WPF Application using the ToastNotificationManager class: The ToastNotificationManager class needs an App Identity. I found this solution which seemed to work fine at the beginning:...
23 Aug 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
See How to enable desktop toast notifications through an AppUserModelID (Windows) | Microsoft Docs[^]
8 Aug 2023 by Nguyễn Tuấn Anh 921
Dear all. I follow the link to custome IdentityTable. Custom User Management in ASP.NET Core MVC with Identity[^] I have config in MVCContext public class MVCContext : IdentityDbContext { public...
8 Mar 2024 by Gcobani Mkontwana
Hi Team I need some help, current issue my web form username is null. I think what i want to achieve, we are using our own domain server. My approach want this web app to be able to authenticate me as a user and be redirected to dashboard. For...
19 Nov 2014 by John Atten
In a previous post, we took a high-level look at using Identity 2.0 in the context of a Web Api application. We essentially poked and prodded the default Visual Studio Web Api project template, learned where things live, and got a basic sense for how it all is supposed to work.
3 Feb 2015 by Maximiliano Rios
In the first two articles, we could go through the process of creating and setting up an MVC project with Identity Framework 2.0. Now it's turn to handle external logins that are bundled already in the default project, we just need to activate them.
16 Sep 2014 by John Atten
Earlier this year we looked at Implementing Group-Based Permissions Management using the ASP.NET Identity 1.0 framework. The objective of that project was to gain a little more granular control of application authorization, by treating the now-familiar Identity Role as more of a "permission" which c
22 Dec 2014 by Siddharth R Barman
Implementing a custom UserStore for ASP.NET MVC5 authentication
6 Nov 2014 by John Atten
In recent posts, I've covered a lot of ground using ASP.NET Identity 2.0 in the context of an MVC application. Since it's RTM in March of this year, Identity 2.0 has offered a substantial expansion of the Authentication/Authorization . toolset available to MVC applications. Similarly, Identity 2.0
23 Mar 2015 by John Atten
This is the third post in a series in which we have built up a minimal, self-hosted, OWIN-based Web Api application essentially from scratch. In this post we'll pull in a minimal ASP.NET Identity implementation.
15 May 2015 by Mostafa Asaduzzaman
How to replace User.Identity.Name (Email) by Full Name in AspNet Identity 2.0
25 Jan 2015 by Maximiliano Rios
Creating our database context and extending roles
4 Jul 2022 by DiponRoy
How to auto increment column options in databases
10 Apr 2023 by Denny Boechat
The Importance of Secure Authentication in Web Applications and the Role of Identity Providers
24 Dec 2014 by salemAlbadawi
i have a database contain a user table i need to force identity (CRUD) users methods to take action on tis table not on the AspNetUsers table how can i do this ????
27 Jun 2015 by Member 11283893
I want to use ASP.NET Identity for several websites that i have created, and i do want to use the same database on each of them.When i try to register two users with the same email, i get the "Name ****** is already taken." I have already set the field "RequireUniqueEmail = false" in...
13 Aug 2014 by Gupta Poonam
Not Sure but it happens if you are trying to insert a data and sql error occurred while inserting the data the identity get used. Next time when you insert it uses the next identity no.But this reason can explain missing of 1 or 2 identity entries.
27 Feb 2015 by Member 11380736
C# Visual Studio windows form...I'm experimenting on how to access other applications. I want to be able to click other application buttons through my program.I can't get this code right!It should click the number 2 in the calculator, but it clicks the "," sign.WinSpy++ shows that...
21 Mar 2015 by fahd951
Hi Developers, Hope everybody doing well .. I'm trying to work with membership also integrated with my APP,first I've created a sample web app to create the new users to membership table I've Added the membership tag to web.config and change the connection string to my...
18 Jun 2015 by Member 9769841
I want to know if it is possible to achieve the following using ASP.Net Identity and mvc on an opinion polls where user will either vote up a question or vote it down. 1)Users can vote up/down after supplying there Username and password for Facebook.2)Post on that User's Wall.
19 Aug 2015 by lokopi.nagar
I came across a Article on Web for Identity here.They have this code:public class AppUserManager : UserManager { public AppUserManager(IUserStore store) : base(store) { } public static AppUserManager Create( ...
6 Apr 2021 by Banana Life
I try to add my user to role but its not working . What I have tried: [BindProperty] public MyUser MyUser { get; set; } public async Task OnPostAsync(string id, UserManagerrole) { if (id == null) { ...
6 Apr 2021 by Banana Life
//this is my view users list(IEnumerable)for super admin public IList MyUser { get; set; } public async Task OnGetAsync() { MyUser = await _context.Users.ToListAsync(); ...