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by dsuryd
SignalR is great for building real-time web functionality. MVVM is great for developing your front-end. What if they can be used together? This tip will show how to do just that, using as example a simple project to do live chart on a web browser.
by Greg Utas
Structuring main() and quickly recovering from memory corruption
by PureNsanity
Fundamental aspects of software design and understanding individual elements of principles and patterns
by Habibur Rony
This will cover how to use Domain Driven Design in your application according to the Onion Architecture. There are short descriptions about architecture Category / Style, N-Layer / N-Tier Architecture, Template Method Pattern and Facade Design Pattern.

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by Higty
C# OpenAI library Assitants, ChatCompletion, FineTuning, ImageGeneration and more
by Nicolas DESCARTES
How to build a plugin architecture in C# ?
by Dev Leader
CQRS pattern in C#, clean architecture for better software development, code examples, best practices

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15 Jul 2017 by dsuryd
SignalR is great for building real-time web functionality. MVVM is great for developing your front-end. What if they can be used together? This tip will show how to do just that, using as example a simple project to do live chart on a web browser.
20 Sep 2022 by Greg Utas
Structuring main() and quickly recovering from memory corruption
28 Feb 2017 by PureNsanity
Fundamental aspects of software design and understanding individual elements of principles and patterns
5 May 2017 by Habibur Rony
This will cover how to use Domain Driven Design in your application according to the Onion Architecture. There are short descriptions about architecture Category / Style, N-Layer / N-Tier Architecture, Template Method Pattern and Facade Design Pattern.
27 Nov 2015 by Christian Vos
How to use Microsoft Unity Interception as a solution for cross cutting concerns in a .NET application
11 May 2024 by Higty
C# OpenAI library Assitants, ChatCompletion, FineTuning, ImageGeneration and more
7 Jun 2016 by GProssliner
cobj is a preprocessor based generator for interface based polymorphism
21 Mar 2017 by dsuryd
Simple, lightweight, yet powerful way to build real-time React + C# .NET web apps with dotNetify-React.
22 Jan 2024 by Nicolas DESCARTES
How to write resilient .NET applications ?
21 Aug 2012 by Jaime Olivares
An architectural proposal to integrate mobile and .Net applications
19 Mar 2014 by David Cantrell
In which a class that wraps an ADO Connection object and makes it more developer-friendly is discussed.
7 Oct 2018 by TheCodeKing
This article considers what is needed for traditional corporations to transform from an enterprise mindset and become agile.
20 Jun 2013 by Levente Kupás
If you have big reports which run slowly, you may use this T-SQL based engine to speed-up them.
18 Aug 2021 by Rob Kraft
Choose wisely how we spend our limited time on creating software and improving processes
7 Oct 2023 by Fred Song (Melbourne)
Use Amazon ECS and API Gateway to implement Microservice
29 Jan 2012 by Espen Harlinn
Have a look at[^]I think that will do nicely - just watch the video :)Best regardsEspen Harlinn
4 Mar 2016 by Rishabh S Ajmera
Second post in a series of articles that show practical application of CQRS architecture with emphasis on decoupling messaging as infrastructure component
18 Jun 2016 by Chris Solutions
The implementation of a no-framework client application using high-level developer governance.
18 May 2017 by Jon Campbell
How to utilize WCF to allow a single instance of any WPF application without needing mutexes, extra assemblies, or special "hacks".
1 Mar 2018 by Jon McKee
Analyzing and improving existing class diagramming paradigms
8 Sep 2022 by Taiseer Joudeh
Part 1 of a 10 post tutorial where we will build a full microservices app using Dapr and then deploy it to Azure Container Apps
23 Mar 2015 by Duncan Edwards Jones
What to do (and how to do it) when confronted with a big ball of mud
16 Feb 2016 by Andy South
We have established a goal to decide, what solution (as in a combination of software and services) among those we chose allows extending the audience of an event with minimum efforts.
26 May 2016 by Dilip Nandakumar
Using Dependency Injection to manage navigation and assigning data context in MVVM design.
16 Jun 2016 by Chris Solutions
With evidence in hand, no-framework is the perfect alternative to frameworks.
6 Jan 2017 by Sergii Grybniak
Knowing tactical design patterns within the DDD approach is as important as having a deep understanding of strategic design patterns. In this article, I explain everything you need to know about DDD's tactical modeling process.
9 Oct 2018 by Nitin M. Patil
This article will share knowledge of creating a two-tier application using Docker Container.
10 Dec 2023 by Dev Leader
In this article, we'll look at building a flight booking app using vertical slice architecture.
2 Feb 2010 by Pete O'Hanlon
There's no one design pattern that I would say that I prefer. Typically, the large developments I work on demand multiple patterns, from Observers, Mediators, MVVM/MVC/MVP, Facades, Data layers and the likes.
19 Mar 2011 by Goalie35
Hello.A friend of mine approached me about re-architecting his company's entire system. They're a somewhat small company but are starting to grow pretty quickly and their current system is outdated and takes too much manual labor to interact with. I don't normally deal with architecture of...
28 Dec 2011 by #realJSOP
0) Use SQL Server for the database.1) Create your app in the form of either a web page or a Silverlight module.Writing desktop apps that require deployment adds to the cost. A web site can be accessed by hundreds of users simultaneously, and if deisgned appropriately, it can allow...
28 Dec 2011 by Wendelius
First question I'd ask is what tools, environments, languages etc you're familiar with. The second thing are the requirements. Do you need access to local (client side) resources (disks, drivers etc) or programs (Office interop and so on).Those two should narrow down the possibilities. If no...
8 Feb 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
First thing you have to think about is dependency layers. You should design then the way each layer serves a platform for the above layers. If should be in sync with your build process; all code in a layer should depend on one of more layers below it, never on anything above.You should...
7 Feb 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is a separate topic: but please consider adding some plug-in architecture.Please see some motivation in my comments in our discussion over my previous answer on this page. Introductory notes: plug-ins should not create any dependencies. More exactly, no assembly should depend on...
4 Mar 2016 by Rishabh S Ajmera
Third post in series of articles that show practical application of CQRS architecture with emphasis on decoupling messaging as infrastructure component
4 Mar 2016 by Rishabh S Ajmera
Fifth and final post in a series of articles that show practical application of CQRS architecture with emphasis on decoupling messaging as infrastructure component
7 Oct 2016 by Paulo Uechi
Uechi APM Web is an APM (Application Performance Management) Open Source Server Performance Monitor written and developed in Java and C # for all Linux and Windows platforms. The Uechi.APM.Web offers a complete resource for unlimited monitoring servers in real time. Have full control of the CPU cons
1 Dec 2016 by Sergii Grybniak
If you want to rely on strategic modeling to make the development process more efficient, domain-driven design is what you need.
23 Apr 2017 by DataBytzAI
A useful list when licensing/buying technology assets into your organisation or taking on ownership of an existing project yourself.
2 Aug 2019 by Richard MacCutchan
Take a look at Calling Native Functions from Managed Code | Microsoft Docs[^]. A very simple example: UserDll.h #pragma once #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers // Windows Header Files: #include #include // The...
3 Aug 2019 by RickZeeland
You might find this article interesting: C++/C# interoperability[^] Also recent Visual Studio versions handle C++ dll's a lot better than before and can automatically generate "Interop" dll's. What Visual Studio uses under the hood is Tlbimp.exe (Type Library Importer)[^] Another option might...
20 Feb 2022 by OriginalGriff
I'd go the "customer project" route, and derive customer classes from the main base where there are changes. That's the simple way to do it, and it gives you automatic updates for bug fixes if needed. The other two solutions require a lot of...
24 Sep 2022 by Greg Utas
I know of no such thing, although a few might exist for specific domains. Architecture diagrams and books are intended for software architects: that is, people with a reasonable amount of experience developing software. That experience will give...
31 Jul 2023 by Dev Leader
For this post, we'll delve into plugin architecture, exploring how they can be leveraged in ASP.NET Core to create more flexible and maintainable applications.
14 Dec 2023 by ChristianNeumanns
The "absence of a value" is among the most important concepts a type system has to deal with.
25 May 2023 by Bohdan Stupak
Clean architecture example implemented in Go
15 Feb 2024 by Dev Leader
CQRS pattern in C#, clean architecture for better software development, code examples, best practices
2 Feb 2010 by dan!sh
Design patterns, IMHO, depend on type of application rather than just the scale of the application.
20 Sep 2010 by Florian DREVET
Brings you the ability to personalize your configuration files per developer, per machine, per configuration...
3 May 2011 by #realJSOP
If your interfaces/classes rely on the enums, and the ui relies on the interfaces/classes/enums, I'd put the enums into the same assembly as the interfaces/classes. This way, you can resuse the interfaces/classes and their enums in another app (if that is the aim).If you're not planning any...
3 May 2011 by Hemant__Sharma
@Naerling - ... It is not logic, it is not abstract and it is not UI...But it's an option/indicator for an object or operation. For example DialogBoxs' types should be added to the same assembly where DialogBox class are defined. Again when DialogBox result is returned it will be a...
21 Jul 2011 by Mohammad A Rahman
There is good book about this which isAgile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#Robert C. Martin and Micah Martinand all the source code of that book is here[^].I hope this might help you.:)
3 Jan 2012 by Chris Meech
I've always found 4 tires much more stable than 3 tires. :)
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
MSDN has an excellent section on Architecting ASP.NET Applications.patterns & practices' Web Client Software Factory on CodePlex! - This factory
10 Dec 2013 by Bruce Yang CL
A way to query the data from Internet
18 Jan 2016 by Sascha Lefèvre
I don't know if it can be done with AutoMapper. But this is how you could do it yourself, not including the Repository-call. There's a generic and non-generic version of the mapping-method; I think you should be able to use the generic one.using System;using...
21 Nov 2018 by Yisrael Lax
Why poorly written code is expensive code
1 Nov 2021 by Bohdan Stupak
Short tip explaining the importance of asynchronous communication
26 Jun 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
This is the Quick Answers forum, for specific technical questions. Your question is far too broad to be answered here. You need to do some research into the technologies that you will be working with.
26 Jun 2023 by Graeme_Grant
This may be a little left-field, however one of the most famous text adventure games was Zork 1. The source code for this game is now in the public domain: GitHub - devshane/zork: The DUNGEON (Zork I) source[^]. If that is a little bit too much...
12 Nov 2023 by ChristianNeumanns
This article explains why we need native record types, and how they work in PTS.
2 Feb 2010 by Md. Marufuzzaman
Which design pattern you prefer for large scale software development?
2 Feb 2010 by Abhinav S
Large scale - you would need tons of patterns.However, facade might be a start.Also, I suppose you would be making this multi-tiered or layered.
29 Dec 2010 by Pete O'Hanlon
What you are talking about is Persistence Ignorance, and is a feature that is supported in EF. Effectively, you want to convert the entity into a POCO. You should read this[^] for details on how to do this.
27 Jan 2011 by caloia
Many teams have not yet fully embraced TDD or have legacy code in their codebase. This article is for teams that need to get test coverage of legacy code or developers who write tests after the fact,
20 Mar 2011 by #realJSOP
If he wants a richer application, and you want something web based, it seems like Silverlight would be the perfect fit.Other than that, use SQL Server 2008 instead of 2005 (it's more secure and more closely tied in to reporting services), put the database server on a separate box, and use a...
3 Jul 2011 by Christian Graus
What does NHibernate have to do with anything ? As these are two databases, all you need to do, is write stored procs in each database that take the same paremeters and return the same values, and let the user specify a connection string in the web.config, to whatever DB type they prefer. You...
3 Jul 2011 by Abhinav S
You will need to handle this in the DAL layer. However, using Oracle and SQL Server together within the same app is never an easy thing to do. Be especially vary of handling large objects and also date formatting when using them together.
3 Jul 2011 by PSK_
You can use Data Access Application Block provided by Microsoft. I have used this for one application which runs on Oracle or SQL server. To know more about this visit[^]
4 Feb 2012 by Sander Rossel
I was wondering what is the best and most maintainable way to seperate your dll's?I am building a WinForms application that makes use of Classes I want to re-use in other applications. So here's the catch:Let's say I build a library called StringManipulator, put it in a seperate project...
4 Feb 2012 by Christian Graus
This is why making a dll for every helper class is a dumb idea. I would break things apart mostly to seperate things that a project may not use, or to limit the size of my main exe, such as, I have a dll with a lot of the UI images we use that are large, so I don't need to ship those in essence...
2 Apr 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Check this one: Passing values from datagrid to another page[^]Hope it helps..
17 Apr 2012 by crazedDotNetDev
I believe you don't have enough data to define the best architecture. Performance is never a one size fits all kinda thing. You have an existing system, so I'd...Check out the hardware to make sure it's not having any failures. Run the Performance Monitor to look at disk/memory/CPU usage,...
21 Nov 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I would rather trust...
2 Feb 2013 by Dell.Simmons
I'm an amateur programmer. I sell online in various forums and write my own software to help with sales processing. So say I have a SQL database that has a customer table in it called SQL.Customer. If I make a sale online I can download a feeBay.Customer object with pretty much the same info...
2 Feb 2013 by Matthew Faithfull
I would say SA's approach is correct in general. However if you cannot change the object types in question because the definitions belong to someone or something else then you have a slightly different problem.In this case I would use a form of mediator object which 'pretends' to be the type...
25 Apr 2013 by Anubhava Dimri
Hi Experts,I have a class OLDCar in which have some properties and methods and i have not access to change and create methods here.So i need to create a NEWCAR Class there base class is OLDCar. then how can i set the value of base class in clild class.class OLDCAR{}class...
26 Apr 2013 by CHill60
With apologies to patel_vijay for expanding on his solution ...Quote:Or you can acess the base class properties in deried class using this or base keyword. here is an example...Say you have something set up like public class OldCar{ protected int aHiddenProp; public int...
20 Mar 2014 by Norman Paterson
Hi, yes I've evaluated rules engines after using the .Net 3.5 engine, and although the rules editor has a lot to be desired, especially because it's a sample project, I find the Microsoft provided rules engine is the best. A lot simpler than Inrule, which has better looking editors but is more...
14 Jul 2014 by CPallini
See the UTF-8 encoding at Wikipedia[^]. According to the table, (the first byte of) a single byte character has the most significant bit cleared (0). You may test such a condition by ANDing such byte with 0x80 (that is 10000000 in binary).Similarly, all two-byte characters starts with the 110...
25 Aug 2014 by Duncan Edwards Jones
Has anyone got any samples or good ideas on exposing the command handler part of a CQRS framework through REST? Ideally I'd like some way of generating the routing table "auto-magically" from the ICommand implementing classes - any thoughts?The command definition interface looks...
30 Nov 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
AS OG told - you must learn...You may start with this:[^]
7 Jun 2015 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
You have to learn the difference between tier and layer...DAL, UI and so are layers and representing logical separation of the system you designedTier on the other hand is about physical separation of the different logical parts of the system...
22 Jan 2016 by Mojtaba_Sarooghi
"HAS-A can be better than an IS-A relationship" What do you think about this sentence? Recently, I came across this topic quite a lot and we were discussing that in our team.
9 Aug 2017 by David_Wimbley
The problem with a question like this, and what Graeme_Grant brings up is that the company wants you to answer these questions, not get strangers on the internet to answer them for you. If you were to use google and research the fundamentals of your issues you bring up yourself that's one thing...
6 Apr 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
This isn't a good question. We know nothing at all about your application, what it's supposed to be doing, ..., nothing. The very best you're going to get to such a question is a bunch of opinions on "what's my favorite stack". The problem is most of them probably won't be good for your...
15 Nov 2018 by F-ES Sitecore
An interface is just a guarantee that the class implements the properties\methods on the interface, there is nothing stopping the class using other properties and methods though. So I'd reduce your IPrinter interface to just the Print method. interface IPrinter { void Print(); } public...
2 Aug 2019 by Nelek
I have a working project in c++ using a library done in c++ and partially c. Now I have the use case where I need to interact with (corrected after spotting a missunderstanding) my c++ project using that library from c#. I just added the files and the needed #includes to my first project, then...
16 Jan 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
Google is the place to search for documents on the subject.
28 Jan 2020 by MadMyche
Your assigned project at the business level is not always going to be the same as your programming project. The backend requirement of your assignment is to use SOA (Service Orientated Architecture). This should be a standalone project and if it were mine I would use WebAPI for this. Your...
15 Nov 2021 by Alexey Skripka
The architecture of a multilayer application with homogeneous layer structure is described.
15 Feb 2024 by Dev Leader
Integrate Unit of Work Pattern in C# with Clean Architecture for efficient programming, benefits and C# code examples
30 Nov 2023 by ChristianNeumanns
Union types (aka sum types, variants, choice types) provide an elegant solution for frequent programming tasks.
24 Jul 2021 by Arctype SQL
As a business expands, the need to ethically leverage data is not a luxury anymore, but a necessity.
29 Jan 2010 by jameschowdary
Hi , i tried factory pattern i understood, my doubt is all design patterns are same i mean(ui do't interactive with business layer) is this is correct
29 Jan 2010 by Christian Graus
I don't understand your question. The UI layer MUST interact with the business layer. Do you mean that most design patterns don't interact with the UI layer ? No, that's not true. Some design patterns, such as MVC, are intimately tied with the presentation layer.