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Everything / General Programming / Exceptions



Great Reads

by Giovanni Scerra
Patterns to prevent null reference exceptions
by Jasper Lammers
A method to easily toggle the way exceptions are being handled (either being thrown or handled by custom code), while still conserving the stack trace when exceptions are not being thrown.
by Marco Bertschi
This tip presents an easy way of verbosely converting an exception and its inner exceptions to a string in order to get access to all details.
by Amogh Natu
This tip provides one solution to the exception "Configuration system failed to initialize" in C#

Latest Articles

by Dev Leader
Secret of Task EventHandlers
by Bruno van Dooren
Symantec can cause valid applications to crash and be gone without a trace
by Mark Pelf
We explain how to debug and get more information on the generic Exception “Failed to enable constraints.
by Greg Utas
Keeping a program running when it would otherwise abort

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