IM status indicator is as an easy and reliable way to check online status of a certain instant messenger account like Yahoo, AOL, MSN, Skype and ICQ. You can create your own IM status indicator to know who is online without logging into the specific messager.
This indicator ask for the protocol (Name of the messenge) and screen name (Messenger Id) and returns an image url that tells whether the user is online or offline.
The picture below show how it looks like.
Using the Code
It is very simple to create and use IM status indicator. Following are the steps to create IM status indicator.
- Step 1. Open Microsoft Visual Studio. Create a web site and named it IMStatusIndicator.
- Step 2.Create an .aspx file and named it IMStatusChech.aspx.
- Step 3. Design the form that looks like this.

- Step 4. And write the code below
protected void btnGetStatus_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string Status = "";
if (txtScreenName.Text.Trim() != string.Empty)
Status = GetIMStatus();
lblStatus.Text = Status;
private string GetIMStatus()
if (rdbYahoo.Checked)
return GetIMStatus("yahoo", txtScreenName.Text);
else if (rdbMsn.Checked)
return GetIMStatus("msn", txtScreenName.Text);
else if (rdbAol.Checked)
return GetIMStatus("aol", txtScreenName.Text);
else if (rdbICQ.Checked)
return GetIMStatus("icq", txtScreenName.Text);
else if (rdbSkype.Checked)
return GetIMStatus("skype", txtScreenName.Text);
else return "";
private string GetIMStatus(string Protocol, string ScreenName)
string Status = "";
switch (Protocol)
case "yahoo":
Status = "<img src=\"" +
ScreenName +"&m=g&t=0\" border=\"0\">";
case "msn":
Status = "<img src=\""+
ScreenName +"/" +
"msnonline.png/" +
case "aol":
Status = "<img src=\""+
ScreenName +"?on_url=" +
style=\"border: none;\" alt=\"My status\" />";
case "icq":
Status = "<img src=\"" +
ScreenName +"&img=26\" />";
case "skype":
Status = "<img src=\"" +
ScreenName + "border=\"1\" />";
return Status;
Now run the project and select one of the protocol,Messanger and enter messenger id, click on the button and get the status as result.
Here is the output.........