If you have ever written a data-entry application, there's a big chance you used the NumericUpDown
control. This control is great to provide a field to enter numeric values, with advanced features like up-down buttons and accelerating auto-repeat.
The other side of the coin is that NumericUpDown
is not really mouse-aware. I experienced some bugs and bad behaviors:
- I need to select all the text when it gets focus (see below), but it misses some of the
properties, like SelectedText
, SelectionStart
, SelectionLength
(an AutoSelect
property will be useful). - Some of the standard events are not working properly (see below):
, MouseLeave
. - Rotating the mouse wheel when the control is focused causes its value to change. A property to change this behavior, like
for up/down keys, will be useful.
That's why I decided to subclass it, fixing these points and adding missing features and properties.
Missing TextBox Properties
I needed some missing TextBox
properties when I was asked to select all the text in the control when it gets the focus.
Yes, NumericUpDown
exposes a Select(int Start, int Length)
method you can call to select all text. At first try, I attached to the GotFocus
event to call Select(0, x)
but, hey, wait a moment... what should I use for x? It seems that any value is accepted, even if greater than the text length. OK, let's say x=100
and proceed. This works well with the keyboard focus keys (like TAB), but it's completely useless with the mouse: a mouse click raises the GotFocus
event (where I select all the text), but as soon as you release the button, a zero-selection is done, leaving the control with no selection. OK, I thought, let's add a SelectAll
on the MouseUp
event too, but this way, the user cannot perform a partial selection anymore; each time the mouse button is released, all the text is selected. I need to know if a partial selection exists; in a TextBox
, I can test it with SelectionLength > 0
, so I need to access the underlying TextBox
Now comes the tricky part: NumericUpDown
is a composite control, a TextBox
and a button box. Looking inside it through the Reflector, we can find the internal field which holds the textbox part:
Friend upDownEdit As UpDownEdit
We'll obtain a reference to this field using the underlying Controls()
collection. Note that we should add some safety checks because future .NET Framework implementations could change things.
Public Sub New()
_upDownButtons = MyBase.Controls(0)
If _upDownButtons Is Nothing _
OrElse _upDownButtons.GetType().FullName <> _
"System.Windows.Forms.UpDownBase+UpDownButtons" Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException(Me.GetType.FullName & _
": Can't a reference to internal UpDown buttons field.")
End If
_textbox = TryCast(MyBase.Controls(1), TextBox)
If _textbox Is Nothing _
OrElse _textbox.GetType().FullName <> _
"System.Windows.Forms.UpDownBase+UpDownEdit" Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException(Me.GetType.FullName & _
": Can't get a reference to internal TextBox field.")
End If
End Sub
Now that we have the underlying TextBox
, it is possible to export some missing properties:
Public Property SelectionStart() As Integer
Return _textbox.SelectionStart
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_textbox.SelectionStart = value
End Set
End Property
And finally, we can have a perfectly working mouse management:
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(ByVal mevent As MouseEventArgs)
If _autoSelect AndAlso _textbox.SelectionLength = 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Mouse Events Not Raised Properly
The original MouseEnter
and MouseLeave
events are raised in couples: a MouseEnter
immediately followed by a MouseLeave
. Maybe that's why, to discourage their use, they are marked with a <Browsable(False)>
attribute. Since I need the MouseEnter
event to update my StatusBar
caption, I investigated a little on this "bug".
As said above, NumericUpDown
is a composite control (red rectangle in the following picture) containing a TextBox
(left green rectangle) and some other controls:

The "control" area is the one between the red and the green rectangles; when you fly over it with the mouse, you'll receive the MouseEnter
event while between the red and the green, then MouseLeave
when inside the green rectangle. The same happens when you leave.
The better way to raise these events, now that we can access the underlying TextBox
, is to re-raise the MouseEnter
and MouseLeave
events as raised from the TextBox
itself; this is what NumericUpDownEx
MouseWheel Management
's management of the mouse wheel is, sometimes, really annoying. Suppose you have an application which displays some kind of chart, with a topmost dialog (toolbox) to let the user change some parameters of the graph. In this dialog, the only controls which can keep the focus are NumericUpDown

After your user puts the focus inside one of them, the mouse wheel is captured by the NumericUpDown
. When the user wheels to, say, scroll the graph, the effect is that the focused field value is changed; this behavior is really annoying.
A fix could be to kill the WM_MOUSEWHEEL
message for the control, but this will kill even "legal" wheelings.
The NumericUpDown
has a property which allows WM_MOUSEWHEEL
messages to pass only if the mouse pointer is over the control, making sure that the user is wheeling to change the control value.
This is done by keeping track of the mouse state in the MouseEnter
events, then killing WM_MOUSEWHEEL
messages accordingly.

How to Use the Control
Simply include NumericUpDownEx.vb in your project and use the control like you'll do with the standard NumericUpDown
. If you have a C# project, you could reference the CoolSoft.NumericUpDownEx.dll assembly or, better, try to convert the code to C# (it should not be so difficult). I could provide a C# version upon request.
v1.6 (06/Jan/2016)
- Added "Never" value to ShowUpDownButtonsMode enum to always hide UpDown spinner control
v1.5 (28/Mar/2014)
- Removed reflection code, now underlying controls are retrieved with managed code only (thanks to JWhattam for this suggestion)
v1.4 (17/Dec/2012)
v1.3 (15/Mar/2010)
- Added new
property: when set, if Maximum
is reached during an increment, Value
will restart from Minimum
(and vice versa)
(feature suggested by YosiHakel here) - Cleaned up the C# version
v1.2 (10/Feb/2010)
- Added two new events
and BeforeValueIncrement
, as suggested by andrea@gmi. This will allow to give different increment/decrement depending on the current control value - Added a C# version of the control to the ZIP