New age web applications may need to offer new age user experiences - and should handle co-working and
continuous client scenarios properly.
This involves ensuring that the user interface is syncing properly itself across devices and across users to ensure the state of the application and
the user interface
is maintained "as is".

Real time data syncing across user views *was* hard, especially in web applications. Most of the time, the second user needs to refresh the screen to see the changes made by
the first user,
or we needed to implement some long polling that fetches the data and does the update manually.
Now, with SignalR and Knockout, ASP.NET developers can take advantage of view model syncing across users, that’ll simplify these scenarios in a big way, with minimal code.
This post discusses how to implement a real time to-do pad, which will sync data across users accessing the application. This means, users can make changes to their
tasks (add/remove/update etc.), and other users will see the changes instantly. The focus is on the technique, I’m not trying to build a fabulous user experience here.
I know we are tired with to-do examples, but now let us build a to-do application that can sync tasks between you and your wife (or your team mates) in real time, with full CRUD support,
and persistence. And yes, we’ll keep the code minimal and maintainable using a proper View Model (oh, is that possible in JavaScript?).
So, see this video, and here you can see the changes you apply to the tasks in one screen (adding, deleting, updating, etc.).
You can see that the data is getting synced across
multiple users. We’ll be using KnockoutJs for maintaining a View Model, and will be syncing the View Model across users using SignalR. If you are not familiar with Knockout and SignalR,
we’ll have a quick look at both of them on the way.
To start with, let us create a new ASP.NET MVC 3.0 application. Create an empty project,
I’ve ASP.NET MVC 3 tools update installed. Once you’ve the ASP.NET MVC project created,
bring up the Nuget console (View->Other Windows-> Package Manager console), and install the Nuget packages for Knockout and SignalR.
install-package knockoutjs
And SignalR:
install-package signalr
Also, do install Entity Framework latest version if you don't have the same, so that we can use the Code
First features.
Install-Package EntityFramework
If you are already familiar with Knockout and SignalR, you may skip the next two titles and go directly to
the 'Building KsigDo' section.
Knockout Js is an awesome JavaScript library that allows you to follow the MVVM convention, to bind your
user controls to a JavaScript view model. This is pretty cool,
because it allows you to build rich UIs pretty easily, with very minimal code. Here is a quick example that shows how you can bind your HTML elements to a
JavaScript view model.
Here is a very simple view model:
var viewModel = {
firstName: ko.observable("Bert"),
lastName: ko.observable("Bertington")
The attributes are of type ko.observable(..)
, and if you want to convert the
ViewModel to an object (which you can send over the wire), you can easily do that using
Now, let us bind the above view model to a view.
The binding happens in the
attribute, you may see that we are binding the value of the textbox to the firstname
and last name variables. When you call ko.applyBindings
, Knockout will do the required wiring so that the view model properties are synced with the target control's property values.
<p>First name: <input data-bind="value: firstName" /></p>
<p>Last name: <input data-bind="value: lastName" /></p>
KnockoutJs is pretty easy to learn, the best way to start is by going through the interactive tutorial hosted by Knockout guys here
Update: Found that Shawn has wrote a comprehensive post on Knockout,
read that as well.
SignalR is the “greatest thing since sliced bread” that happened for Microsoft developers recently. (To know why, you can read
my post
HTML5 is on a killer spree, may kill HTTP next at least partially.)
Anyway, SignalR is an async signaling library for ASP.NET to help build real-time, multi-user interactive web applications.
If you have heard about Node, Backbone, Nowjs, etc. recently, you know what I’m talking about. If not, you’ll know pretty soon though.
The easiest starting point to understand SignalR is,
by having a look at the Hub Quickstart example. Have a look at that example and come back.
You can inherit your Hub at the server side from SignalR.Hubs.Hub – and SignalR will generate the necessary light weight JavaScript proxies at the client side
so that you can make calls to your hub over the wire, even with support for typed parameters. Not just that. SignalR also provides dynamic “Clients” and “Caller” objects in your hub,
so that you can invoke a client side method written in JavaScript directly via your code in the server side. Pretty smart.
And SignalR hides the entire implementation under its nice little APIs.
Building the KsigDo App
Now, let us go ahead and build our KsigDo app. Let us put together the bits step by step.
Task Model for Persistence Using Entity Framework Code First
In you ASP.NET MVC application, go to the Models folder, and add a new
Code First model file. Our model is very minimal, and as you can see, we have a taskID and a title for a task,
and a few validation rules defined, like title's length. Also, the Completed
property decides whether the task is a completed one or not.
If you are not familiar with Entity Framework Code First, here is a good read
in Scott’s blog, and here are a few more resources.
public class KsigDoContext : DbContext
public DbSet<Task> Tasks { get; set; }
public class Task
public int taskId { get; set; }
[Required] [MaxLength(140)] [MinLength(10)]
public string title { get; set; }
public bool completed { get; set; }
public DateTime lastUpdated { get; set; }
The DbContext
and DbSet
classes used above are provided as part of the EF4 Code-First library. Also, we are using attributes like
, Required
, etc. for data annotations,
for basic validation support.
TaskHub for Basic Operations
Create a new folder named
Hubs in your ASP.NET MVC project, and add a new TaskHub.cs file (no, we are not
using Controllers now). And yes, you can place your Hubs anywhere. Here is our
, inherited from the SignalR.Hubs.Hub
class. You may see that we are using this Hub to perform most
of the CRUD operations in our Task Model.
public class Tasks : Hub
public bool Add(Task newTask)
using (var context = new KsigDoContext())
var task = context.Tasks.Create();
task.title = newTask.title;
task.completed = newTask.completed;
task.lastUpdated = DateTime.Now;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Caller.reportError("Unable to create task. Make sure title length is between 10 and 140");
return false;
public bool Update(Task updatedTask)
using (var context = new KsigDoContext())
var oldTask = context.Tasks.FirstOrDefault(t => t.taskId == updatedTask.taskId);
if (oldTask == null)
return false;
oldTask.title = updatedTask.title;
oldTask.completed = updatedTask.completed;
oldTask.lastUpdated = DateTime.Now;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Caller.reportError("Unable to update task. Make sure title length is between 10 and 140");
return false;
public bool Remove(int taskId)
using (var context = new KsigDoContext())
var task = context.Tasks.FirstOrDefault(t => t.taskId == taskId);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Caller.reportError("Error : " + ex.Message);
return false;
public void GetAll()
using (var context = new KsigDoContext())
var res = context.Tasks.ToArray();
The Clients
and Caller
properties are provided by SignalR as part of the Hub class definition. Surprise, these are dynamic objects that you can use conceptually
to invoke a client side method written in JavaScript. SignalR does the plumbing using long polling or web sockets or whatever, and we don’t care. Also, as I mentioned earlier, SignalR will generate a client side proxy hub to invoke methods in our above written
, and we’ll soon see how to use this. For example, when a client invokes
a GetAll
method in the above Hub during initialization, that client invoking the
method (Caller) will get a callback to its taskAll
JavaScript method,
with all the existing tasks.
In the same way, assuming that our Client hub has JavaScript methods like
, taskAdded
, taskRemoved
, etc.,
– we are invoking those methods using the Clients
dynamic object, so that whenever an update, add, or delete is happening, this information is broadcasted
to all the clients connected right now.
The Main View
Now, let us go ahead and create our client side. Add a 'Home' controller and an 'Index' action. Create a new 'Index' view. Also, just make sure you’ve the necessary
JavaScript script wirings to import Knockout and SignalR libraries (see the code).
Our Index page has got a couple of view models, and a bit of HTML (view).
For view models, we’ve a taskViewModel
, and a taskListViewModel
, as shown below. You may note that our
has almost the same properties as we have
in our actual Task model, so that SignalR can manage the serialization/mapping pretty easily whenever we call the methods in our
You can see that in taskListViewModel
, we are accessing the
proxy which provides a proxy object to access methods in our
Also, we are attaching methods like tasksAll
, taskUpdated
etc. to $connection.tasks
via the this.hub
pointer, and these methods are ‘invoked’ from
the TaskHub
class as we’ve seen earlier to virtually ‘push’ data to the clients.
$(function () {
function taskViewModel(id, title, completed, ownerViewModel) {
this.taskId = id;
this.title = ko.observable(title);
this.completed = ko.observable(completed);
this.remove = function () { ownerViewModel.removeTask(this.taskId) }
this.notification = function (b) { notify = b }
var self = this;
this.title.subscribe(function (newValue) {
this.completed.subscribe(function (newValue) {
function taskListViewModel() {
this.hub = $.connection.tasks;
this.tasks = ko.observableArray([]);
this.newTaskText = ko.observable();
var tasks = this.tasks;
var self = this;
var notify = true;
this.init = function () {
this.hub.taskAll = function (allTasks) {
var mappedTasks = $.map(allTasks, function (item) {
return new taskViewModel(item.taskId, item.title,
item.completed, self)
this.hub.taskUpdated = function (t) {
var task = ko.utils.arrayFilter(tasks(),
function (value)
{ return value.taskId == t.taskId; })[0];
notify = false;
notify = true;
this.hub.reportError = function (error) {
$("#error").fadeIn(1000, function () {
this.hub.taskAdded = function (t) {
tasks.push(new taskViewModel(t.taskId, t.title, t.completed, self));
this.hub.taskRemoved = function (id) {
var task = ko.utils.arrayFilter(tasks(), function (value) { return value.taskId == id; })[0];
this.addTask = function () {
var t = { "title": this.newTaskText(), "completed": false };
this.hub.add(t).done(function () {
}).fail(function (e) {
this.removeTask = function (id) {
this.updateTask = function (task) {
if (notify)
this.incompleteTasks = ko.dependentObservable(function () {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(this.tasks(), function (task) { return !task.completed() });
}, this);
var vm = new taskListViewModel();
$.connection.hub.start(function () { vm.init(); });
Whenever a taskViewModel
is created, the instance of taskListViewModel
will be passed as its
, so that we can invoke the updateTask
method of
whenever the current task’s properties change. In taskListViewModel
, we also have methods like
, removeTask
, etc., which are bound directly to our “View”.
We are creating a new instance of taskListViewModel
, and then calling Knockout to do the job of applying bindings with the view. Have a look at the “View” part.
<div id="error" class="validation-summary-errors">
<h2> Add Task</h2>
<form data-bind="submit: addTask">
<input data-bind="value: newTaskText"
class="ui-corner-all" placeholder="What needs to be done?" />
<input class="ui-button" type="submit" value="Add Task" />
<h2>Our Tasks</h2>
You have <b data-bind="text: incompleteTasks().length"> </b> incomplete task(s)
<ul data-bind="template: { name: 'taskTemplate', foreach: tasks }, visible: tasks().length > 0">
<script type="text/html" id="taskTemplate">
<!--Data Template-->
<li style="list-style-image: url('/images/task.png')">
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: completed" />
<input class="ui-corner-all" data-bind="value: title, enable: !completed()" />
<input class="ui-button" type="button" href="#"
data-bind="click: remove" value="x"></input>
<span data-bind="visible: incompleteTasks().length == 0">All tasks are complete</span>
If you look below the Add Task header, you’ll see that we are binding the textbox’s value to the
property of our taskListViewModel
and the form submit to the addTask
method in the taskListViewModel
. The
is bound to the Tasks
property of the view model. If you
look at it, Tasks
property of taskListViewModel
is a
, which is almost like an ObservableCollection
that notifies the bound controls whenever items are inserted/removed in the array.
Adding and Removing items
Have a look at the addTaskMethod
in the taskListViewModel
, you’ll see that we are creating a new task, and then invoking the ‘add’ method of the ‘hub’,
which internally calls the TaskHub
’s Add
method in the
server. In TaskHub
’s Add
method, you’ll see that we are broadcasting the added task to all the clients
by invoking the taskAdded
method in the client-side back – and there we are updating the
observable array so that Knockout will internally manage
the rendering of a new <li>
under the <ul>
based on the data template
(see the above view code where we have the tasktemplate).
Delete also works in the same way, you can see the ‘x’ button is bound to the remove method of each individual
, which internally calls the taskListViewModel
method to invoke the Remove
method in TaskHub
using the hub proxy, and from there, taskRemoved
will be invoked on all clients, where we actually remove the item
from the items collection.
Updating an item
Once an item is bound to the template, please note that we are subscribing to the change events of a task
in taskViewModel
. Whenever a property changes, we call the updateTask
method in the
, which again calls hub’s update method which
sends the task to our TaskHub
’s update method – thanks to the wiring from SignalR.
There, we try to save the item, and if everything goes well, the updated item
will be broadcasted from TaskHub
to all clients by invoking the
JavaScript method we attached to the hub, where we
actually update the properties of the item in all clients.
Surprise, we are done. Very minimal code, very little effort, great results. Thank you ASP.NET, SignalR, Entity Framework, and Knockout. And that is why I love .NET
Happy coding, but follow me in Twitter @amazedsaint and subscribe to this blog.
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