The example below shows how to invoke an existing/external web service in BPEL. This example uses Eclipse, Eclipse BPLE designer Plug-In and Apache ODE.
Using the Code
There are two parts in this article:
- Part A: Prepare a Web Service
- Part B: Invoke this web service in BPEL
Part A: Prepare Web Service
- Create a web service “
”, which has only one class “DoSomething
” (under namespace “ws.example
”) with only one method “doSomething
”. You can use the bottom-up approach to build this web service. Please see this link.
package ws.example;
public class DoSomething {
public String doSomething(String myinput)
System.out.println("doSomething is called");
return "doSomething is called ";
- Check the generated WSDL file, the service name is “
”, Port “DoSomething
”, binding address is http://localhost:8080/DoSomethingWebService/services/DoSomething.
Figure 1: "DoSomethingService" Web Service
- Export the service to a war file and deploy it under $TomcatHome/webapps. If you like to, export and deploy the test client also, it is good for testing. Please see this link.
Part B: Invoke this Web Service in BPEL
- Prepare ODE and BPEL Plug-In and create a BPEL project “
” and a synchronous BPEL process “Caller
” under namespace “”. Please see this link. - Import DoSomething.wsdl into the project and create a partner link “
” of type “DSLinkType
”, Partner Role of “DSProvider
”. Please see this link.

Figure 2: “DSLinkType”
- Add
, Assign1
and Invoke Block in “Caller
” process:

Figure 3: "Caller" BPEL Process
- Edit Invoke Block to call “

Figure 4: "Invoke" Block
- Initialize “
” from “Assign
” block, choose From->Fixed Value and To->DSLinkRequest>parameters. The fixed value is described as:
<xsd:doSomething xmlns:xsd="">

Figure 5: Initialize “DSLinkRequest”
- Set the input value for “
” method. Choose From->Variable->input->payload->input and To->Variable->DSLinkRequest->parameters->myinput.
Figure 6: Set “myinput” for “DSLinkRequest”
- Initialize “
” from “Assign1
” block. Choose From->Fixed Value and To->output>payload. The fixed value is described as:
<tns:CallerResponse xmlns:tns="">

Figure 7: Initialize “output”
- Set the output value for “
” process. Choose From->Variable->DSLinkResponse
and To->Variable->output->payload->result.

Figure 8: Set “result” for “output”
- Edit the Caller.wsdl generated, so that a “
” of port “CallerPort
” is bound to the “Caller
” process with the address “http://localhost:8080/ode/processes/Caller” using SOAP.
Figure 9: "CallerService" Web Service
- Create deploy.xml.
<deploy xmlns=""
<process name="pns:Caller">
<provide partnerLink="client">
<service name="pns:CallerService" port="CallerPort"/>
<invoke partnerLink="DSLink">
<service name="wns:DoSomethingService" port="DoSomething"/>
<cleanup on="always" />
- Test.

Figure 10: Test Result
Here is the complete list of the files of BPEL project (Caller.bpelex, Caller.wsdl and CallerArtifacts.wsdl are generated).

Figure 11: File List
- 27th February, 2009: Initial post