This is an enterprise solution for sending mails from the SQL Server database engine to SMTP servers. SQL Server database applications can communicate with users through
an email system. It provides features like scalability, security, and reliability.
It uses an SMTP server to send mail. SQL Server 2000 supports SQL Mail, which supports MAPI profiles to send email instead of
an SMTP server. SQL Mail requires a MAPI-compliant
mail server (Microsoft Exchange Server) and a MAPI client (Microsoft Outlook).
We can send a text message, query result, file as attachment. The database mail can be used to notify users or administrators regarding events raised in SQL Server. For
example, if an automation process like replication, database mirroring fails or there
are latency related problems then SQL Server can use this feature to
notify the administrators or operators.
Points to Remember
- Like SQL Mail, database mail doesn’t require a MAPI – a compliant mail server like Outlook
Express or extended programming interface.
- Better performance. Impact of sending mails to SMTP servers by SQL Server is reduced as this task is implemented by
an external
process initiated by the DatabaseMail.exe file.
- Works fine in a cluster based environment.
- 64-bit support.
- Database mail configuration information is maintained in an MSDB database.
- Only members of SysAdmin and DatabaseMailUserRole database role of MSDB can send mails by default.
- Allows sending messages in different formats like text and HTML.
- Supports logging and auditing features through different system tables of MSDB.
The main components of database mail are:
- Sp_send_dbmail
This is a system defined stored procedure which is used by SQL Server to send
email using the database mail feature. This stored procedure is present in the MSDB database.
- MSDB Database
Consists of all stored procedures, system tables, and database roles related to database mail.
- Service Broker
To establish communication between the SQL Server engine and the database mail engine we need
a service broker. It submits the messages to the mail engine.
- DatabaseMail.exe
This file is present in the Binn folder of the respective instance. It is
the database mail engine.

Figure – 1 (Source: BOL) Database Mail Architecture
How it works?
When a run time error occurs due to any automated task like backups, replication etc database engine raise the error and same information is submitted to Database Mail engine, then database mail engine will submit the mail to SMTP Server using EmailID and Password mentioned in profile. At the last SMTP Server sends mail to recipients.
Error --> DB Engine --> DB Mail Engine --> SMTP Server --> Recipients
FAQ: How to enable a Service Broker in MSDB?
USE [master]
MSDB tables related to Database Mail
- sysmail_profile: Consists of all the profiles information.
- sysmail_account: Consists of SMTP server accounts information.
- Sysmail_server: Consists of SMTP server details.
- Sysmail_allitems: Mail sent status. If the sent_status is 1 then success, otherwise failed.
- Sysmail_log: To check the errors raised by Database Mail feature.
- Sysmail_configuration: Consists of system parameter details.
Steps to configure
- Enable the db mail feature at server level
sp_configure 'Database Mail XPs',1
- Enable service broker in the MSDB database.
USE [master]
- Configure mail profile (profile is a collection of accounts).
- Add SMTP account(s).
- Make the profile private or public.
Private profile can be used by:
- sysadmin members and
- databasemailuserrole members of MSDB
- Set parameters.
- Send the mail.
Example: Configuring Database Mail
- Go to Object Explorer
- Management
- Right click on Database Mail and select
“Configure Database Mail” as follows

- Next
- Select “Setup Database Mail by performing the
following tasks” as follows

- Next
- Enter profile name = “SQL Profile” and
description as follows

- Click on “Add” button and enter the
following details. Always use your own email ID. Generally we have to use here
the company email id. We have to raise a ticket to the mail server admin team to get the
following details.
- Separate email id for SQL Server (This is From Email ID)
- SMTP server name
- Port number
- SSL feature should be
enable or disable.
Here I am using my personal email id. In Basic Authentication option enter
the same email ID along with the valid password of the email ID.

- OK
- Next
- Under Manage Profile Security option make the profile as
public by selecting checkbox and default as follows

- Next
- Accept the default settings for System Parameters as follows

- Next
- Finish

- Close.
Use msdb
--Step1: Varifying the new profile
select * from sysmail_profile
--Step2: Verifying accounts
select * from sysmail_account
--Step3: To check the accounts of a profile
select * from sysmail_profileaccount
where profile_id=3
--Step4: To display mail server details
select * from sysmail_server
- We have configured database mail feature successfully. Let's test
the mail feature as follows.
- Go to Object Explorer -> Management -> right click on Database
Mail -> Send Test Email

- Enter the following details. You can use required values.
- Select Profile name: SQLProfile
- To: (Any Email
ID- generally it should be administrators
group email ID)
- Subject: Hi, Backup Alert
- Body: Backup of master
database was generated successfully.

- Send Test Email -> OK
- Verifying whether the mail was send successfully or not. Take new
query and run the following command and check sent_status column value for your
mail as follows

- Check your mail box you can find new Email from SQL Server.
Sending Mail using SP_SEND_DBMAIL
We can send the mail programmatically from any
stored procedure, job or batch file using sp_send_dbmail system procedure.
Before sending the mail we can check the required parameters by viewing the
definition of stored procedure.

We have to pass the following parameters to the above stored
- Profile_name (We can mention
the above profile name which we have created)
- Recipients (We can
mention multiple recipients by separating with
" src="" /> - Subject
- Body
Example 1: Sending mail using the sp_send_dbmail stored procedure
Step 1:

Step2: Verifying using sysmail_allitems. Here check the sent_status column of last Email.
use msdb
select * from sysmail_allitems
Example 2: Sending mail using sp_send_dbmail stored procedure which has query result as message.
Step 1: Sending mail (I am using emp table present in Test database)
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = 'SQLProfile',
@recipients = '',
@query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as No_Empls FROM
@subject = 'No of Employees Working';
Step 2: Verifying using sysmail_allitems. Here check the sent_status column of last Email.
use msdb
select * from sysmail_allitems
Configuring Database Mail Using T-SQL Script
sp_configure 'show advanced options',1
reconfigure go sp_configure 'Database Mail XPs',1 reconfigure
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profile_sp
@profile_name = 'SQLProfile',
@description = 'Mail Service for SQL Server' ;
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_account_sp
@account_name = 'SQL_Email_Account',
@email_address = '',
@mailserver_name = '',
@password='Emailid password'
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profileaccount_sp
@profile_name = 'SQLProfile',
@account_name = 'SQL_Email_Account',
@sequence_number =1 ;
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_principalprofile_sp
@profile_name = 'SQLProfile',
@principal_id = 0,
@is_default = 1 ;
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = 'SQLProfile',
@recipients = '',
@body = 'Database Mail Testing...',
@subject = 'Databas Mail from SQL Server';
select * from sysmail_allitems
Database Mail feature was introduced in SQL Server 2005 version, which can be used to notify the administrators/operators. It provides better performance as well as cluster aware feature.