Recently, I considered writing my own BigInteger implementation. Although I managed to create one, its performance was way below the one from .NET implementation. So, I focused on something else: BigDecimal. So far, I didn't find an implementation that I liked, so, why not make my own?
Before Starting

As you can see, the priority of the expressions, including the parentheses, is respected and, if we need, we can ask for 100 decimal places (even more if needed). Now, let's go to the actual article.
C# (and .NET in general) right now don't come with a BigDecimal
class. They only provide us with a BigInteger
It's funny that, to me, the only real difference between a BigInteger
and a BigDecimal
is the fact that the big decimal has a decimal separator (the dot, in American Standard) to divide integer numbers from the fractional/float numbers.
So, that's what I wanted to do: Have a class that stores any number as a BigInteger
, and that also has another field (which I also made of a BigInteger
) to tell where exactly the separator goes.
Maybe making the separator use a BigInteger
is too much and an int
or long
will suffice, yet, I wanted to cover the maximum area possible.
How the Class Works
This is where the fun begins. When reading many articles on the internet, I saw that I need to divide things in 3 or more parts. I decided to start things simple: One integer number (that can be very big, that's why I used a BigInteger
) and another number to tell where the dot (decimal separator) goes.
If the separator is at position 0
from end, that means the number is an integer number. If the separator is at the exact number of digits the number has, this means the number starts just after the "0."
- that is 57
with a decimal separator at 2
from the end, becomes 0.57
In fact, in my first implementation, I didn't allow the separator to go beyond the number of digits on the integer number, but that was not allowing me to generate numbers like 0.01
. In this case, the integer number is 1
, but the floating point position is 2
, which is more digits than the number actually has (this is fixed/allowed now).
The Constructors
There are two main constructors for the class. One of them just receives a BigInteger
. It assumes there is no floating point (or that it is at position 0 from the end) and calls the other constructor.
Then, there's a second constructor, which receives the full number as a BigInteger
, and also a value telling where the decimal separator is, counting from the last position. So, it doesn't matter if the number is 123
or 1000
... a 2
as the second argument means we will have two digits after the dot. So, 1.23
and 10.00
respectively... but, well... any zeroes at the left (before the decimal separator) or at the right, after the decimal separator, are eliminated, so the numbers will become, respectively, 1.23
and 10
Maybe this isn't really necessary, but I started writing my code with an unsigned type... so, instead of storing positive and negative BigIntegers
, I always store them as positive values, and just set a flag that the number is negative, if that's the case.
The First Operator... operator +
The first operator I decided to implement was the operator +
The first thought I had was: I need to make the numbers compatible.
The class stores just the integers, but with possible different values for where the dot separator appears. So, the values we see as 101
and 1.01
are both stored as 101
, but one of them with the dot separator at 0
, while the other with the dot separator at 2
So, my solution was to get the separator with the greatest value (in this case, 2) and adapt all numbers to use that separator.
That means 101
with separator at 0
would become 10100
with separator at 2
, while 101
with separator at 2
would remain exactly the same.
Now, it is just a matter of adding them up (10100 + 101 = 10201)
and use the highest separator index, turning the number into 102.01
The entire code looks like this:
public static BigDecimal operator + (BigDecimal a, BigDecimal b)
var digitFromEnd0 = a._decimalIndexFromEnd;
var digitFromEnd1 = b._decimalIndexFromEnd;
var maxIndex = BigInteger.Max(digitFromEnd0, digitFromEnd1);
var intA = _MakeItHaveThisAmountOfFloatDigits(a, maxIndex);
var intB = _MakeItHaveThisAmountOfFloatDigits(b, maxIndex);
if (a._isNegative)
intA = -intA;
if (b._isNegative)
intB = -intB;
var sum = intA + intB;
return new BigDecimal(sum, maxIndex);
The method _MakeItHaveThisAmountOfFloatDigits
will return the input number if the number of digits is the same, or will add some zeroes to the right until the right number of digits is reached.
It looks like this:
private static BigInteger _MakeItHaveThisAmountOfFloatDigits
BigDecimal value,
BigInteger numberOfFloatDigits
if (value._decimalIndexFromEnd == numberOfFloatDigits)
return value._value;
var diff = numberOfFloatDigits - value._decimalIndexFromEnd;
var multiplier = new BigInteger(1);
for (var i=0; i<diff; i++)
multiplier *= 10;
var intPart = value._value * multiplier;
return intPart;
Other Operators
operator - (subtract)
The subtract operator is very similar to the add operator. I first make both numbers have the same number of digits... that is, the one with most digits to the right of the dot separator needs to be multiplied by 10 the right amount of times, then I do the subtraction.
When constructing a new number, as the constructor takes care of removing any trailing 0s on the right side of the dot separator, everything works fine.
Here is the entire code for the operator -
public static BigDecimal operator - (BigDecimal a, BigDecimal b)
var digitFromEnd0 = a._decimalIndexFromEnd;
var digitFromEnd1 = b._decimalIndexFromEnd;
var maxIndex = BigInteger.Max(digitFromEnd0, digitFromEnd1);
var intA = _MakeItHaveThisAmountOfFloatDigits(a, maxIndex);
var intB = _MakeItHaveThisAmountOfFloatDigits(b, maxIndex);
if (a._isNegative)
intA = -intA;
if (b._isNegative)
intB = -intB;
var subtraction = intA - intB;
return new BigDecimal(subtraction, maxIndex);
Multiplication (operator *)
I thought the multiplication would be a really tough one to implement... but it turns out it was simpler to implement than addition and subtraction.
I just multiply the integer representation of both values, and then I add the values of their "index from end" values of the dot/decimal separators. And I create a new value with that. That's all.
The code looks like this:
public static BigDecimal operator * (BigDecimal a, BigDecimal b)
var digitFromEnd0 = a._decimalIndexFromEnd;
var digitFromEnd1 = b._decimalIndexFromEnd;
var intA = a._value;
var intB = b._value;
bool isResultNegative = (a._isNegative != b._isNegative);
var sum = a._value * b._value;
if (isResultNegative)
sum = -sum;
var indexFromEnd = a._decimalIndexFromEnd + b._decimalIndexFromEnd;
return new BigDecimal(sum, indexFromEnd);
Division (operator / and Divide Method)
Division is more complicated and I will not explain it here. By default, the operator /
will call the Divide
method passing 8 as the number of digits after the decimal separator.
You can, in theory, pass any number you want, but I noticed that after 1 thousand, the code becomes extremely slow... so, try not to go that far except if you really, really need to.
The example app uses 100 digits by default. It just does division of two numbers (that needs to use the . [dot] as decimal separator, you cannot use a different one independently of your computer region/settings) and you can see it supports really large numbers that fail with .NET provided decimal
, numbers like 4328947293473294729347329847329432
for the divisor and 23423432432432432423423
for the divider will mess up with decimal
, but BigDecimal
will deal with those numbers with no issues.
What Else?
I implemented the method Power
. I am still unsure if I should name it Pow
and make it static
, or if I keep it as Power
and as an instance method. In fact, I am inclined to say that I want to make Divide
become an instance method instead of keeping it as a static
In any case, I wrote many unit tests, and yet found some errors the tests didn't cover (so, then, I wrote some more tests to prove the issue... and then to prove the fix).
Consider the code still under development, but in particular for additions and subtractions, it should work quite well.
Different from BigInteger
, this class will not limit the size of the string it will generate when calling ToString()
so, if you use really big numbers, be aware that you might slow down or even crash your debugger by looking at the values stored in BigDecimal
Well... that's all for now. If you want, download the sample and see if it works well for you. I hope it is useful for lots of people out there. And use the forum here to report any bugs you might find.
One Extra Detail
I made this class return 1
if you divide 0
by 0
. This is to be compatible with the simplification done in formulas, where x/x
is always one. If x
is 0
and you don't do the simplification, 0/0
will throw in most cases. Well, in this class, it will match perfectly and will return 1
. That's not a bug. That's really a trait of the class.
You tell me. To me, it is already helping solve issues I had with decimals and the like when dealing with really large numbers where BigInteger
was not appropriate.
If you got the latest version of the download sample, you probably noticed that there's also a BigRational
class. The idea of this class is very simple, but the implementation might not be as clear as it should be.
To avoid precision errors when we keep multiplying, dividing, then multiplying, then dividing (and so on), what the BigRational
class does is that it keep multiplying the numerator when doing real multiplications and multiplying the denominator when we divide. It will only do a real division when we ask to convert the value of the BigRational
to a BigDecimal
That's the only moment that it might lose some precision, but assuming we might have done hundreds of multiplications and divisions before calling AsBigDecimal
, we will have avoided hundreds of precision losses.
The Add
and Subtract
methods might be a little confusing, as they actually get their value multiplied by the denominator... that's what actually makes them work as expected, because they could only be added directly if we had already done the division (or when the denominator is 1).
Also, to avoid the values to just grow, all operations (Add
, Subtract
, Multiply
and Divide
) will call a method to "compress" the numbers. For example, if both the numerator and the denominator are even numbers, we can divide both by 2
. This means both numbers get smaller, but the ratio they represent stays the same. So, don't be surprised if you store 100
and 50
but, in practice, the class stores 2
and 1
Different from BigDecimal
, this one is a class. I wanted to make it a struct but I needed the denominator to start with 1 and C# will naturally allow a "default" struct to be created (with zeros) and, instead of trying to deal with a denominator of 0
, I decided to make the BigRational
an actual class. If I get enough requests I might change my mind on that decision.
Well... I hope you enjoy both classes.
- 9th August, 2023: Renamed some
to floatDigitCount
. In a Decimal
class, all digits are expected to be decimals anyway. Also fixed Remainder/Mod test and comparison between positive and negative decimals; - 8th August, 2023: Added an updated version of
to the sample app. So now users can write their own expressions instead of just dealing with divisions. The expressions support the basics like + - * / % and also a variable 'prior' to get the value from last execution as well as Divide
and Power
methods that allow setting the decimal precision; - 7th August, 2023: Implemented
on my own, using BigInteger
and with a binary/divide and conquer optimization; - 5th August, 2023: Renamed "nominator" to "numerator". Denominator stays the same;
- 5th August, 2023: Added explanation of
and made it support negative Power
/exponent; - 4th August, 2023: Initial version.