This is an advanced version of the good XPath Analyzer done by Enrico
Elizar Samuel (http://www.codeproject.com/aspnet/xpathanalyzer.asp).
Advanced XPath Analyzer has been re-written in C# and supports namespaces
resolution and navigation.
Notes about the code
The main difference from the original XPath Analyzer is that you can navigate
into an XML document using qualified names. It is also possibile to have a
default namespace in the XML document. In this case a the namespace prefix will
be def
, so that you can refer to it in your xpath expression.
Let's say that, for example, we have an XML document that looks like this
="1.0" ="utf-8"
<items link="~/Html/Default.htm" xmlns=http://site/menu
xsi:schemalocation="http://site/menu menu.xsd">
<item title="Products" link="#">
<item title="Product 1" link="#"/>
<item title="Product 2" link="#"/>
<item title="Product 3" link="#"/>
<item title="Product 4" link= "#"/>
<item title="Services" link="#">
<item title="Service 1" link="#" />
<item title="Service 2" link="#" />
<item title="People" link="#"/>
<item title="Opening Hours" link="#"/>
<item title="Prices" link="#"/>
<item title="Contacts" link="#"/>
That is, as you may have guessed, the navigation menu of a simple website. If
you need to get the Product 3 link, you should write an XPath query
but this query won't give any result! This because you need to specify that
the elements items
and item
belongs to the default
namespace http:
as it really is, otherwise the parser
will understand that they aren't associated with any namespace.
So, the
correct query is:
in order to run correctly this query you first need to define that the prefix
points to the default namespace URI. With the Advanced XPath
Analyer you can just manually add the namespace or ask to it to detect it
automatically, but what really happens behind the scenes?
Three steps are
needed to make the XPath query run without errors:
- Define an
with all the needed namespaces
- Create an
that contains the relative XPath
- Assign the created
object to that
That, in pratice, means to write something like:
XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager =
new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
namespaceManager.AddNamespace(prefix, uri);
XPathExpression expression = navigator.Compile(xpathQuery);
Where prefix
and uri
are the variables that
contains the relative values, and navigator
is the
that you're using to navigate through the document.
Using the program
You have to specify the XML source file (which can be a file on your hard
disk or a file somewhere in the web) and then the XPath Query you'd like to
test. You can also specify a SQLXML url so that you can test your SQLXML
Queries. If your XML uses namespaces you have to add it in the left panel so
that you can use them in your XPath Query, otherwise you can detect it
automatically, clickin' on the Detect Namespace button. Of course
remember to do this before you analyze the XPath Query!
Location of XML document:
XPath query:
- v 1.0: First version
- v 1.1: Added automatic namespace discovery