One day I was working on a big application, and I was wondering what would I put in the about dialog. I found that 2 or 3 sentences wouldn't be enough, but also I knew that the dialog must have an acceptable size, so what's the solution? I thought about some control that allows me to show a long text and doesn't take a lot of place, so CTextScroller
is born.

How to Use CTextScroller
- Include TextScroller.h and TextScroller.cpp in your project.
- Use the wizard to create a static control. Call it anything but
and add a member variable for it.
- Change the declaration of this member and set it:
CTextScroller m_Static;
Some Useful Functions
void SetFontSize(int nSize);
CString SetFontName(CString strFont);
void SetBorder(BOOL bSet=TRUE);
COLORREF SetTextColor(COLORREF color);
void SetScrollTimer(int nElapse);
void AddLine(CStringArray &str);