The HTML file
<link rel='stylesheet' href='ftp.css'>
<script language="'javascript'" src='ftp.js'></script>
<title>Easy FTP 1.0</title></head>
<body bgcolor='#ffffff'>
<br><font class='title'><b>Easy FTP 1.0</b></font><hr>
After connecting, you can drag'n drop files among the windows.
Left window is your local folder, right window is the remote folder.
<p><table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1'
align='center' width='98%'><form name=login>
<tr><td class='brgtcell' align='right'> Username </td>
<td class='darkcell'> <input type='text'
name='username' value='anonymous' size='20'
maxlength='20'> </td></tr>
<tr><td class='brgtcell' align='right'> Password </td>
<td class='darkcell'> <input type='text'
name='password' value='microsoft' size='20'
maxlength='20'> </td></tr>
<tr><td class='brgtcell' align='right'> Server </td>
<td class='darkcell'> <input type='text'
name='server' value='ftp.microsoft.com' size='60'
maxlength='120'> </td></tr>
<tr><td class='brgtcell' align='right'> Local </td>
<td class='darkcell'> <input
type='text' name='local' value='c:\' size='60'
maxlength='200'> </td></tr>
<hr><table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'><tr>
<td align='right'><input style='color:#000000'
type='button' value='Connect' onClick='Login(this.form)'></td>
The JS File
function Login(form) {
var username = form.username.value;
var password = form.password.value;
var server = form.server.value;
var local = form.local.value;
if (username && password && server && local) {
window.open(local, '_blank',
'toolbar=yes,location=yes,status=yes,' +
+ ((screen.AvailWidth/2)-12) + ',height=' +
(screen.AvailHeight-124) +',left=0,top=0,resizable=yes');
window.open("ftp://" + username + ":" +
password + "@" + server, '_blank',
'toolbar=yes,location=yes,status=yes,' +
+ ((screen.AvailWidth/2)-12) + ',height='
+ (screen.AvailHeight-124) +',left=' + ((screen.AvailWidth/2))
+ '),top=0,resizable=yes');
else {
alert("NO BLANK FIELDS!");