Universal System.Data.Sqlite binary for .NET and Mono
System.Data.Sqlite is a wonderfull ADO .NET provider library, but same binary cannot be used on Windows(.NET) and Linux (Mono) simultaneously.
Under Mono/Linux Mono.Data.SQLite provider is exist, but using 2 different providers in same app is a bad idea.
Standard System.Data.Sqlite.Core package (with 2 Interop libs) work perfectly in Windows, but not working in Linux out-of-box. Also it have bad 'feature' - package installer tries to add Interop libs into source control system.

Mixed Mode Library don't have this bad 'feature', but in can run only on one platform and don't run under Linux.
So I try to make simple solution that will work under Windows/.NET (x86/x86_64) and Linux/Mono(x86/x86_64/ARM)
It will use nuget system for deploying resulting packages
How to use packages
Attached Packages
- Download attached packages
- Create local NuGet package source and place download packages here
- Install NuGet packages into your project in Visual Studio or MonoDevelop (since Version 5)
System.Data.Sqlite.Core.MSILstd - Package that contains managed System.Data.Sqlite.dll - must be referenced in any project in solution, that use SQLite library
Use should choice ONLY 1 variant:
- System.Data.Sqlite.SqliteBinaries - Package that contains sqlite3.dll for (x86/x86_64) - must be referenced ONLY in executable project (Application or Test project)
- System.Data.Sqlite.SqliteBinaries.x86 - Package that contains sqlite3.dll for x86 - must be referenced ONLY in executable project (Application or Test project)
- System.Data.Sqlite.SqliteBinaries.x86_64 - Package that contains sqlite3.dll for x86_64 - must be referenced ONLY in executable project (Application or Test project)
Logic demonstration with 'sandbox' solution
Sandbox solution
Solution contains 3 project
- Application - console executable that use System.Data.Sqlite
- Library - C# library that use System.Data.Sqlite
- Test - nunit test application that use System.Data.Sqlite
'Application' uses packages: System.Data.Sqlite.Core.MSILstd & System.Data.Sqlite.SqliteBinaries
'Library' uses packages: System.Data.Sqlite.Core.MSILstd
'Test' uses packages: System.Data.Sqlite.Core.MSILstd & System.Data.Sqlite.SqliteBinaries
Application can be runned under Windows, Linux(x86,x86_x64,ARM)
1. Building System.Data.Sqlite for Mono
System.Data.Sqlite consists of two parts - managed and unmanaged(interop) parts. They can be combined in single mixed assembly in Microsoft .NET. We need to change System.Data.Sqlite to use standard sqlite3 library
First - download System.Data.Sqlite sources to make package. Current version is
After download it must be compiled. Standard compile procedure is:
- Navigate to Setup directory
- Choice .NET version
- .NET 2.0 - set_2005.bat
- .NET 3.5 - set_2008.bat
- .NET 4.0 - set_2010.bat
- .NET 4.5 - set_2012.bat
- .NET 4.5.1 - set_2013.bat
- Setup build parameters ("SET MSBUILD_ARGS=/property:UseInteropDll=false /property:UseSqliteStandard=true")
- Build it - "build.bat ReleaseManagedOnly"
I placed resulting library into System.Data.Sqlite.Core.MSILstd package and attached it to this article
But this is only managed part of library. Also we need to make deploy procedure for sqlite3.dll because library can't work without it unmanaged part (in linux sqlite can be installed as package, but under windows it must 'cames' with application)
Simpliest way to create package - use NuGet Package Explorer, open System.Data.Sqlite.Core.MSIL package and replace dlls with created ones.
2. NuGet deploy procedure for Sqlite library
NuGet has special feature for coping files to project output directory at build. We can use it to copy sqlite3.dll (x86 & x86_64) to output dir
'System.Data.Sqlite.SqliteBinaries' Package structure:

Dll's are placed into build/native NuGet folder in package. After, special .target file(with name of package) with deploy logic was created
System.Data.Sqlite.SqliteBinaries.targets contents:
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<Target Name="copy_sqlite3_ALL_to_outputpath">
<Message text = "Copying sqlite3.dll (x86 and x86_x64)" />
<Copy SourceFiles="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)/native/x86/sqlite3.dll" DestinationFolder="$(OutputPath)/x86" />
<Copy SourceFiles="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)/native/x64/sqlite3.dll" DestinationFolder="$(OutputPath)/x64" />
After successeful build NuGet will automatically copy sqlite3.dll binaries to output directory
Also package can be created for specific architecture. It is more simple.
System.Data.Sqlite.SqliteBinaries.x86 package structure:

System.Data.Sqlite.SqliteBinaries.x86.targets contents:
<span style="color: #8b008b">="1.0"="utf-8"
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<Target Name="copy_sqlite3_x86_to_outputpath">
<Message text = "Copying sqlite3.dll x86" />
<Copy SourceFiles="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)/native/sqlite3.dll" DestinationFolder="$(OutputPath)"/>
System.Data.Sqlite.SqliteBinaries.x86_64 package have same structure except .target name - System.Data.Sqlite.SqliteBinaries.x86_64.targets
3. Testing resulting solution
Dev & test platforms
- PC - Windows 8.1/.NET 4.5.2 (x86_64) with Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 and Xamarin Studio 5(same as MonoDevelop 5)
- PC - OpenSuse Factory/Mono (x86) with MonoDevelop 5
- Home Server - CentOS 6/Mono (x86_64 and x86 on KVM)
- BeagleBone Black - Debian/Mono (ARM)
Unfortunately I haven't any Linux/Mono (x86_64) machine for tests. I hope that if solution works for Mono on x86 & ARM architecures - it will work for x86_64 :-)
Test database have 2 tables (Pets & Houses) and 3 entities (Cat,Dog & House). Logic is quiet simple. Cat is Pet, Dog is Pet, Pets live in House, House have address. This sample use NHibernate as ORM library.
Application project creates database, add some test data, then query results
Tests project demonstrate atomic operations.
Application & Test projects use Library project
4. Test results under different platforms
4.1. PC/Windows 8.1 x86_64/.NET/VisualStudio 2013 Update 3
To integrate nunit into VS2013 a special package must be installed ('NUnit Test Adapter') - you can see nunit tests inside 'Test Explorer' after it installation. Sample code includes 'console runner' so it can be executed even 'NUnit Test Adapter' is not installed
Application working normally

4.2. PC/Windows 8.1 x86_64/.NET 4.5.2/Xamarin Studio 5
Warning: on .NET x86_64 debugging is not working in MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio
Application working normally in 'Run' mode (Debug mode on .NET x86_64 is not working in MonoDevelop)

4.3. PC/OpenSUSE Factory x86/Mono/MonoDevelop 5
Sqlite3 Native library version - 3.8.5
At first we need add our packages to local package source of MonoDevelop

After it - restore and build. Application is also working normally

4.4.a. Home File Server/CentOS 6 x86_64/Mono/Run in console
Mono version - 3.10.1 (master/ca51c3b) - Fresh
Sqlite3 Native library version - 3.6.20
Not working. Exception 'SQL logic error or missing database'
May be SQLite version is too old?
Googling on 'CentOS SQLite 3.7' gives us link:
Now we have:

It is working. Take into account that 'System.Data.SQLite' will not work with very old version of sqlite3 library
4.5. BeagleBone Black/Debian ARM/Mono/Run in console
Mono version - 3.6.1 (master/ddfd29c)
Sqlite3 Native library version - 3.7.13
Application working normally

Remember! This solution MAY not normally run for NuGet prior 2.7 (Package restore issues, after 2.7 version this feature is enabled by default). Also it MAY not work MonoDevelop prior version 5(It have bad NuGet integeration). Also System.Data.Sqlite will not work with very old linux versions of SQLite ( is working with 3.7.13, but not working with 3.6.20) so if you plan support system with old SQLite versions (like CentOS) you must include latest precompiled native SQLite library with your app.
Suggested solution works on all modern developer platforms. Also you can adopt it for other cases when you need deploy native libraries inside NuGet package