In this tutorial, we will see how to draw 2D fonts. You must download the library to compile the sample. Click here to go to the download page. Using OAG_2D, you can save and open XML files (*.oagxml).
Drawing 2D Fonts
To draw fonts using the library, you need to create an instance of oag::FontMappingTable
to store a font and an instance of oag::OAGFontMapping2D
. The class oag::FontMappingTable
manages the fonts used to draw. Once you choose a font and stores it in the class oag::FontMappingTable
, it is added in an array list of fonts in the class oag::FontMappingTable
. The class oag::OAGFontMapping2D
is used to draw the texts using a font stored in the class oag::FontMappingTable
Setting up the Document Class
Members for the document:
oag::ObjectsMappingTable* pObjectsMappingTable;
oag::OAGScene* m_pScene;
Operations for the document:
void CreateLibraryObjects();
void UnloadLibraryObjects();
Constructor and destructor:
void COAGMFCDoc::CreateLibraryObjects()
if( m_pObjectsMappingTable == NULL)
m_pObjectsMappingTable = new oag::ObjectsMappingTable();
if( m_pScene == NULL )
m_pScene = new oag::OAGScene();
m_pScene->SetFontMappingTable( m_pObjectsMappingTable->GetFontMappingTable() );
m_pScene->SetTextureMappingTable( m_pObjectsMappingTable->GetTextureMappingTable() );
void COAGMFCDoc::UnloadLibraryObjects()
if ( m_pScene )
delete m_pScene;
m_pScene = NULL;
if ( m_pObjectsMappingTable )
delete m_pObjectsMappingTable;
m_pObjectsMappingTable = NULL;
When a new document is created, we need to delete all the objects and create them again:
BOOL COAGMFCDoc::OnNewDocument()
if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument())
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Inserting a Font
To insert a font, click on the TableObjects menu, click on Font, and choose a true type type font.
![Image 1](/KB/game/OAG_Part2_2/FontItem.jpg)
After choosing the a font, it is created with a size of 24. The function pFont->SetFontSize(24)
does this. You do not need this font again to draw a 2D text, you just get this font from m_pFontMappingTable
and uses it to draw 2D texts:
void COAGMFCDoc::OnInsertFont()
CString filter;
filter.LoadString( IDS_FONT_FILTER );
CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, "*.ttf", NULL,
if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
CString strFileName = dlg.GetPathName().GetString();
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition();
COAGMFCView* pView = (COAGMFCView*) GetNextView(pos);
if ( pView->m_pWinGraphicContext->MakeCurrent() )
oag::OAGFont* pFont = oag::OAGFontLoader::LoadFontFromDisk(
strFileName.GetString(), OAG_FONT_MAP_2D );
if( pFont )
if ( pFontMapTable == NULL ||
!m_pObjectsMappingTable->GetFontMappingTable()->AddFont( pFont ) )
delete pFont;
pFontMapTable->AddFont( pFont );
Inserting a 2D Text
To insert a 2D text, select the Draw menu, click on 2DText, and click on the screen to insert a text:
Code to Insert a 2D Text
The function font2d->SetText
sets a text to draw on screen, and font2d->SetPosition
sets the text position on the screen. The function font2d->SetFontNameReference
is used to get the current font set when you save to an XML file. If font2d->SetFontNameReference
is not used, when you read an XML file, the font is not set and no text is drawn on the screen.
void CText2DTool::AddAllVerticesToScene()
oag::OAGFontMapping2D* font2d = new oag::OAGFontMapping2D();
if( m_pScene->GetFontMappingTable()->m_ListFont.size() > 0 )
font2d->SetFont( m_pScene->GetFontMappingTable()->m_ListFont[0]->GetFont() );
font2d->SetFontNameReference (
m_pScene->GetFontMappingTable()->m_ListFont[0]->GetFontName() );
oag::OAGVector3f vec = m_arrVector[0];
font2d->SetText("Example of 2DText");
font2d->SetPosition( oag::OAGVector3f( vec.m_X, vec.m_Y, vec.m_Z ) );
m_pScene->AddObject( font2d );
void CText2DTool::OnMouseClick(oag::OAGVector3f& ptMouse)
switch( m_nStep )
case 0:
m_arrVector.Add( ptMouse );
The XML File
In the XML below, the node Tables
stores a node Fonts
. The node Fonts
stores the fonts used to draw the texts. For this sample, we used arial.tff with size 24. The node <Font Name="" FileName="arial.ttf" Size="24."/>
shows this.
The node Objects
stores the 2D text to draw on the screen. The node Text2D
shows this:
<Font Name="arial" FileName="arial.ttf" Size="24."/>
<Scene Type="Draw">
<Text2D Name="">
<UseFont Name="arial"/>
<String Value="Example of 2DText"/>
<Color Red="1." Green="1." Blue="1." Alpha="1."/>
<Translation x="161." y="148." z="0."/>
<Scale x="1." y="1." z="1."/>
<Rotation x="0." y="0." z="0."/>
Class oag::Font
class OAGFont
virtual ~OAGFont(void);
bool m_bIsDone;
int m_nFontSize;
OAG_FONT_MAPPING m_enumFontMapping;
FTFont* m_pFont;
std::string m_strName;
std::string m_strFolderPath, m_strFilename;
std::string GetFileName()
return m_strFilename;
FTFont* GetFont()
return m_pFont;
int GetFontSize()
return m_nFontSize;
std::string GetFontName()
return m_strName;
void SetFontSize(int nFontSize)
int newSize = nFontSize;
if ( m_pFont )
if ( m_pFont->FaceSize( newSize ) )
m_nFontSize = nFontSize;
void SetFontName(std::string strName)
m_strName = strName;
void SetIOSystemFilter(std::string folderPath, std::string fileName)
m_strFolderPath = folderPath;
m_strFilename = fileName;
virtual void LoadFontFromDisk(std::string strFileName){}
if( m_pFont )
delete m_pFont;
m_pFont = NULL;
Class oag::OAGFontMapping
class OAGFontMapping : public oag::OAGObject
virtual ~OAGFontMapping(void);
std::string m_strText;
FTFont* m_pFont;
std::string m_strFontNameReference;
std::string GetText()
return m_strText;
void SetFontNameReference(std::string strFontNameReference)
m_strFontNameReference = strFontNameReference;
void SetText(std::string strText)
m_strText = strText;
void SetFont(FTFont* pFont)
m_pFont = pFont;
virtual void OnDraw(){};
virtual void ReadNodeXML(CXmlNode* pNode);
virtual void SaveNodeXML(CXmlNode* pNode);