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Great Reads

by Daniel Ranger
Native C++ implementation of the .NET Asynchronous Design Pattern using Windows I/O Completion Ports
by bjarneds
A tool for browsing public and private members in any running .NET application (and a generic InvokeRemote method that wraps the code injection).
by Hugo Wetterberg
A new(?) approach to scripting in .NET applications.
by ZhaoRuFei
This article provides a macro + template solution to support .NET-like Reflection for enums such as ToString, IsDefined, Parse, GetValues, GetNames.

Latest Articles

by Daniel Ranger
Native C++ implementation of the .NET Asynchronous Design Pattern using Windows I/O Completion Ports
by bjarneds
A tool for browsing public and private members in any running .NET application (and a generic InvokeRemote method that wraps the code injection).
by Hugo Wetterberg
A new(?) approach to scripting in .NET applications.
by ZhaoRuFei
This article provides a macro + template solution to support .NET-like Reflection for enums such as ToString, IsDefined, Parse, GetValues, GetNames.

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by Shao Voon Wong
C++: Prefer Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP) to Template Pattern
by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA
How to center window in WIN32
by Charles Kludge
void CenterWnd(HWND wnd){ RECT r,r1; GetWindowRect(wnd,&r); GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(),&r1); MoveWindow(wnd,((r1.right-r1.left)-(r.right-r.left))/2, ((, (r.right-r.left), (,0);}
by Nick Kulikovsky
There is ATL CWindow method CenterWindow:void CenterWnd(HWND hWnd){ CWindow wnd; wnd.Attach(hWnd); wnd.CenterWindow(NULL); wnd.Detach();}
by Binu MD
Change the default ICON of MFC applications
by Sayyed Mostafa Hashemi
Code for checking the avilabiltiy of Internet connection.
by Volirvag Yexela
This tip suggests the way of launching a process with Medium IL from the process with High IL.
by Arkadiusz@inquiry
CRichEditCtrl does not take the return
by Not Active
Plagiarized from[^]
by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA
How to find a substring in a text, forward and backward, with Case Sensitive and Match Whole Word options.
by m_sylvain
This tip shows how to build an FxEngine plugin to stream video data from a webcam
by c-smile
The way to add generators with yield to C++
by Ansas Bogdan
This shows you how to cast a Pointer to a Memberfunction to any Pointer Type you whish.
by MaxMax14
Keep the items highlighted when focus is on another control
by Orjan Westin
Simple function to get the text message corresponding to a system error.
by Simon-Benyo
Hooking unmanaged processes using VB.NET.
by PJ Arends
I needed to disable the Sleep button on my keyboard, here's how.
by textorijum
How to SIMPLY populate TreeView from some sort of "list" variable / object / structure
by Debdatta Basu
Emulating iterative structures with the C++ pre-processor.
by Orjan Westin
Reading an input of any type, or simply enter, from the command line
by Tu (Le Hong)
A scroll window that surpasses the 16-bit limit and can be hosted by a dialog.
by Adamanteus
Intercepting SEH exceptions in C++ program
by DigitalInBlue
Guidance on C++/C++!1 Parameter Passing
by Jake Franta
SolidWidgets Grid tutorial.
by sunhui
In this paper, we will discuss some advanced skills for ATL COM development.
by xdoukas
A tip on the implementation of Unix ucontext_t operations on Microsoft Windows.