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Great Reads

by Nicolas Bonamy
Two simple ways to add "Do not ask again" Message Boxes to your application.
by vishalkmehta
This article demonstrates how to leverage the power of images and inheritance to achieve a "skinned" look for your Windows applications.
by Sadish Kumar.V
This article will help you to open an MS-Word Document (Document or Document template) or MS-Excel sheet from server side code (ASP.NET) with minimum configuration efforts.
by azharkhan
This article provides the steps to solve the "Unrecognized Tag" problem for an Atlas control.

Latest Articles

by Nicolas Bonamy
Two simple ways to add "Do not ask again" Message Boxes to your application.
by vishalkmehta
This article demonstrates how to leverage the power of images and inheritance to achieve a "skinned" look for your Windows applications.
by Sadish Kumar.V
This article will help you to open an MS-Word Document (Document or Document template) or MS-Excel sheet from server side code (ASP.NET) with minimum configuration efforts.
by azharkhan
This article provides the steps to solve the "Unrecognized Tag" problem for an Atlas control.

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by Nicolas Bonamy
Two simple ways to add "Do not ask again" Message Boxes to your application.
by vishalkmehta
This article demonstrates how to leverage the power of images and inheritance to achieve a "skinned" look for your Windows applications.
by Sadish Kumar.V
This article will help you to open an MS-Word Document (Document or Document template) or MS-Excel sheet from server side code (ASP.NET) with minimum configuration efforts.
by azharkhan
This article provides the steps to solve the "Unrecognized Tag" problem for an Atlas control.
by TyronM
A way to modify Zip archives without extracting them completely.
by creativesri
This article briefs you about sending mail using SMTP in HTML Format, which takes the default SMTP settings from web.config file
by User 2739121
Using GDI+ and a transparent form
by Vladimir Afanasyev
Device configuration using C# (Part 1)
by Vladimir Afanasyev
Device configuration using C# (Part 2) . How to enumerate devices.
by Vladimir Afanasyev
Device configuration using C# (Part 3). Device resources - IRQ, DMA, etc.
by Prakash Kumar Singh
This article explains and demonstrates various ways to implement localization in your .NET application.
by Johann Anhofer
Extend the VS6 IDE with .NET addins.
by Daniel Ranger
Native C++ implementation of the .NET Asynchronous Design Pattern using Windows I/O Completion Ports
by dallyanzi
.NET buttons that used for audio functions - write your own control
by thomas_tom99
An article on a .NET based add-in/plug-in framework, with dynamic toolbars and menus.
by Romelard Fabrice (Alias F___)
Classes Library for String manipulations in Your .NET projects
by slolife
.NET class to create and maintain vCalendar information
by tomcat1
Call a .NET COM+ Interop component with Classic ASP.
by TheKarateKid
Various Command Line Tools Available under .NET Development Environment
by Mathias Taylor
Export Microsoft Outlook data using XML DataSets and the Outlook COM Object Library.
by leppie
A DUMeter clone, but with some better/different reporting features.
by Kevin McFarlane
How to enhance .NET event handling with the Template Method design pattern
by Mayur Chauhan
An UI tool that can be used to zip and unzip a file.
by Chris Khoo
Uploading images in .NET and thumbnailing, resizing, etc.
by Perry Marchant
An article on decoding Ogg Vorbis audio files in .NET.
by John Kenedy S.Kom
This project enables developers to create a setup package that automatically installs MSDE and attaches database
by John Kenedy S.Kom
This project enables developer to create a setup package that automatically installs SQL 2005 Express and restores database to it
by TheCodeKing
An easy-to-use, zero configuration solution to .NET communication across application boundaries. A simple library to use as an alternative to .NET Remoting based on low-level Windows Messaging.
by Mikhail Cholokhov
Implementation of a LCD User Control in .NET using C#.
by User 832107
The same GUI for both: .NET and Java
Compose mail messages and send them through your mail account provider.
by Romelard Fabrice (Alias F___)
Class Library for MySQL request
by Nick Parker
A free IE toolbar that pulls up namespace and class documentation on the new MSDN site.
by mengwangk
Receive SMS using the atSMS library.
by Raj Settipalli
Simplest method to host remote component under IIS with ASP.NET application as client
by Syed Nadeem ul Hassan
.NET remoting explained with a simple example
by Rajneesh Noonia
The source code / article published here is to provide features of MS Script control (Functions like AddObject) and some features of VSA/Visual Studio editor like intellisence, code completion etc
by Hugo Wetterberg
A new(?) approach to scripting in .NET applications.
by Ryan Binns
An implementation of synchronous .NET style delegates in non - .NET VC++ 6.
by Bill Ferreira
File encryption object using Managed Extensions for C++
by Werdna
Shows how to use different brushes and write owner drawn listbox
by Duncan Edwards Jones
A component to respond to a hotkey combination, system-wide.
by David Polomis
Loads a Targa image file into a Bitmap using nothing but .NET code.
by Mario Ghecea
This article describes the technique I used to ingest large text files to create an e-book publishing platform on the Android Market
by Tolga Birdal
This code includes lots of algorithms and desired code segments for .NET. Written entirely in C#.
by David van Leerdam
An article describing a ScheduledTask class for writing a WebScheduler application, for example a Windows Service.
by Chandra Hundigam Venkat
Creating Custom theme/skins in .net require merely a few lines of code
by Calishar
A simple wrapper DLL containing most of the functions in the WNet API.
by leppie
.NET wrapper for libbz2, written in MC++
by gokselm
Provides samples for XML and SOAP serialization using C#
by James T. Johnson
A settings class that can be used to store values in an XML document
by syntaxed
Notifier: an Outlook-like notification window
by dzzxyz
This application demonstrates how to Create, Train and Test an AI Chatbot.
by Jonathan [Darka]
Setting up a Microsoft Symbol Server
by Douglas M. Weems
[Obsolete]Capture whole web pages as a single image using C#.
by Jonathan [Darka]
A simple C++ wrapper class for User Impersonation
by Binoy R
“Yukon” is a proposed new 32 - bit version of Microsoft SQL Server aka, MS SQL 2000, which is not yet released from Microsoft, which may expect to be release in the year 2004. It contains a lot of additional tools which improves a rich scale of performance, reliability and ease of use for the infor
"A New York minute" is adjective about lifestyle. Its a fast paced world. We need every time-saving appliance we can afford.
by peterchen
Setting up doxygen, a free tool to document your code, in a few simple steps.
by Muhammad Asif Khan
An article on displaying icons with more than 256 colors in system tray
by darkoman
An article on creating 2D animated charts using Windows GDI.
by Karel Donk
Describes how to do 2D Blits in DirectX 9 with direct surface access between various surface formats (using color conversion).
by Nikolai Teofilov
An ActiveX control for 2D data visualisation
by Alex Chirokov
This article presents a 2D Matrix container with [][] indexing. Indexing works as if you had overloaded the mythical operator [][].
by andrea contoli
Draw poligons, manipulate them, and animate them.
by mdgray
SafeArray Wrapper to simplify and speed up 2D CComSafeArray
by asef
An article for drawing a String formula at a static.
by Mike Melnikov
Google-like Toolbar with customization from xml file and update from web features
by Toby Opferman
Building your own 64-bit Windows Extender
by Norman Solomon
Easy addition of a 3D Tabstrip page to an ASP.NET project.
by Nikolai Teofilov
An ATL/STL ActiveX control based on OpenGL library for 3D data visualization
by Livid
A guide to using 3D tags in Mobiform and Longhorn XAML.
by MJDamron
Discusses the implementation of a 3D pie chart in ASP.NET
by Angel Tsvetkov
3D Real-Time Stock Exchange Quote Stream Ticker version 1.0
by John Aspras
Ever seen 3D Studio 2.5 Slidable DialogBar? Want to know how they did it?
by Igor Stjepanovic
In this project I demonstrate how to write a simple 3D rendering application in a relatively small amount of code.
by asef
An article to draw a 3D math function on a static control.
by ThatsAlok
Collection of Q&A from VC++ forum
by Babu_Abdulsalam
This linked list allows to connect a node with four adjacent nodes and shows how a node can be navigated in multiple directions.
by Petrov Vladimir
Former NeHe OpenGL Lessons adapted to MSVS-15 pro MFC in INICODE and the samples of the Joystick implementation
by Petrov Vladimir
Former NeHe OpenGL Lessons adapted to MSVS-15 pro Win32 in INICODE and the samples of the Joystick implementation
by asef
Using Genetic Algorithm to solve the 8 Queens problem.
by Phillip Sitbon
Write portable object-oriented threads that work on Win32 and Posix-Compliant systems without modification.
by Joseph M. Newcomer
A simeple editor to make my polygon class a bit more usable.
by Mike Scanlon
A C# class which uses Dino Esposito's LocalCbtHook component to add a "Don't show this again" checkbox to any .NET MessageBox.
by Christos Malliopoulos
A template-library for calculating arithmetic and logical expressions.
by Riaan Hanekom
A (very) simple XSLT test utility.
by xryl669
This article provides a very simple but efficient base code for hooking API functions in any application.
by Ben Peterson
An application to examine .NET assemblies both directly and with reflection
by TravisMerkel
A basic template to show how to create auto-updating apps using the .Net framework.
by Nairooz Nilafdeen
A .NET implementation for the Knuth-Moris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm.
by Hoang Khanh Nguyen
A .NET wrapper for NT Registry and a .NET NT RegEdit demo
by Perry Marchant
An article on snapping a Windows Form to a desktop screen border.
by Oleksandr Kucherenko
A .NET Wizard control for the VS.IDE and client apps
by Hossein Khosravi
A 2D graph component with zoom capability.
by Bob Ciora
Definition of the CDSSD3DView8 class, a CView-derived class to facilitate Direct3D development with SDI.
by User 2739121
This article describes how to create a simple user-drawn form which moves over the desktop
by Chris Levin
A working remoting sample. Ready to use in your projects.
by Marc Clifton
An Example Of How To Interface To Dallas Semiconductor's iButton And 1-Wire Network
by Mehdi Bonvari
Using MCIWnd wrapper class to write a simple media player
by Itay Sagui
Introduction to the basic idea of the particle systems, and how to create basic effects such as explosions and water fountains.
by Yingle Jia
An article on implementing undo/redo functionality in C++.
by Ali Tavakol
Fast, real, and easy to connect to your application.
by ThatsAlok
An article touching simple issues like events, methods and properties.
by ThatsAlok
Article touching simple issues like property, method and event and using it in .NET applications
by Rahman Masudur
This article shows how to use a WCF service in XBAP or a WPF browser application.
by rbeckett
Use CDOSYS instead of CDONTS on Windows 2000/XP
by Stefan Spenz
An article about basic function and class templates
by Stefan Spenz
Using advanced template functionality
by Ranjan Banerji
A tutorial on how to create connection points using VC++ and ATL
by James R. Twine
An article that describes yet another hyperlink control
by see1see
A practice of using Windows GDI and Winsock.
by Dave Matrix
How to draw/redraw a rectangle along the window rect, when the window is activated or deactivated.
by fdachille
An article describing the design and techniques used to develop a bridge design game.
by George Anescu
Presenting a C++ class for correct operations on BSTR strings with binary data contents
by datenkabel
This class provides a button with rollover behavior
by Matt Berther
A C# implementation of an auto complete combo box, based on Chris Maunder's MFC code
by hanzzoid
A C# class for complex polynomials providing polynomial arithmetics, differentiation and integration
by LowlyServ-Ant
A simple MDI (Multiple Document Interface) example.
by daniel.byrne
This source code/control is provided to make it easy for programmers in C# to ping remote hosts and get the response time in milliseconds.
by Dr.Sai
The article is about extending the capabilities of GDI+ in C# , When programmers look to develop serious imaging applications, a surprising shortcoming is noticed in GDI+. The shortcoming is the absence of an API which is useful in selecting regions within an image in a user interactive way.
by Dr.Sai
This article is a continuation to my previous article where I present two more methods to do the same
by Pattabiraman S Sholinghur
An article about a C# Sample Code/Article Extending the Capabilities of GDI+ in C# (.NET)
by Manster
This article shows you how to create a scrolling text/scrolling marquee control in C#.
by eleung
A C# .NET serviced component that encapsulates MQ PUT and MQ GET.
by logicchild
An article that defines managed threading from the basics to the intermediate.
by Christian Tratz
A C# implementation of the popular water surface effect.
by Ronounours
A very simple C++ source code showing how to create an interactive 2D graphical blobs editor, using the CImg library.
by Ronounours
I propose a simple version of a Breakout (or Arkanoid) game in few C++ lines.
by Antonio Perrone
A C++ class to register and start device drivers.
by Marcelo J. Kittlein
How to pass and return Arrays and Ranges in Excel to and from a C++ DLL.
by ravenspoint
Give a C++ application its own web page
by Romout
The control overwrites the windows event handler to overtake the paint event.
by Alex C. Punnen
The Command Pattern and Chain of Responsibility for implementing a plug-in Thread Pool library.
by Gabriel Bizzotto
This library provides a simple set of classes for creating GUIs. It uses only the Win32 API with some common controls. The development is at the beginning and many changes are to be done.
by Rogério Paulo
A C++ library for developing SNMP managers (clients) on Windows.
by logicchild
An Article the Demonstrates How to Build a Windows Forms Calculator
by Rob Manderson
Using the Rich Edit control as a chat window.
by Evren Daglioglu
A chat server/client solution for local networks, terminal server/terminal client environments
by Magerusan Grigore Cosmin
An ATL filter control
by Luo Pei'en
An article on how to write an Edit control used for HEX and DEC number input.
by Rob Manderson
Browse your images with a file open dialog and see what you've selected
by Chris Hills
How to put a child dialog in a dialog box
by YangTze
This class can be used to get netcard adapter information such as MAC,IP,DHCP
by Paw Jershauge
A very simple class for listing the RSS feed from a website.
by Sinhue Baez
Reading and writing the Windows Registry overcoming the restrictions imposed by GetSetting and SaveSetting.
by Ankit Tandon
This class uses keybd_event and CreateProcess to create a script processor and executor. The script can be used for automation of daily tasks such as opening and checking mail accounts, automating the functionality of software etc. This will work with any app which can take input via keyboard.
by aaa_xxx_aaa
The Win API cannot access inifile in UNICODE, sometimes, we may want to add some wide characters into INI file, so I wrote a class to access INI file in UNICODE
by Rob Manderson
Overlapped I/O - practice
by Vitaly Zayko
An article about using SHGetFileInfo in C# (a simple class and demo are included).
by Rob Manderson
Enumerating folder contents the reusable way
by Matthew Hazlett
How to use graphical fonts in your games
by Eric Marcon
How to simply display a control inside the StatusBar of your program.
A class to represent group data type and an example code to demonstrate how to use it in code.
by Kuniva
CListBoxSafe is a class that can save data from a listbox to file and load data from a file into a listbox.
by Rob Manderson
Synchronising thread completion the easy way
by Neil Yao
Make using of dll functions much easy
by Jonathan de Halleux
Eases up the use of the Matlab(c) COM server...
by Stan_1964
Provides a general cleanup API for Windows, ported into Win32 and COM dynamic-link libraries.
Create an analogue clock with a game !!
by jdkulkarni
The article describes details of WCF and also has source code for different types of binding.
by Sprotty
An introduction to XML Data Binding, and a review of a number of leading products.
by Derek Bartram
This library provides a framework for using Code Project article information in applications, and provides a utility for monitoring articles
by Derek Bartram
This library provides a framework for using Code Project article information in applications, and provides a utility for extracting user information
by H. S. Masud
A collection class for listing all the computers and servers in your network, with category information.
by jack Mesic
A color picker and dropper that extends the standard Windows dialogs to behave like Photoshop or Frontpage 2000
by William.Wang
A COM class (DLL) that embeds an embeddable OLE object.
by Philipos Sakellaropoulos
A COM component written in C++ that offers functions for multiple parallel downloads, Internet cache access, URL and path resolving.
by Jan Wiggers
Descendant from DataGridColumnStyle.
by Johnson Zhou
Create a new combobox which can fill itself automatically using a dictionary in XML
by Timothy the lion
A command line calculator I am writing to help me teach a 9 year old to code
by Martyn Pearson
An edit control that encapsulates compacting of filenames
by gspatwal
A brief article comparing and contrasting the features of Java and C#.
by David Marcionek
This article is intended to help you get up to speed quickly with developing an ActiveX control. It will show you the basic concepts you need to know about ActiveX, such as methods, properties, and events, and how to communicate between an ActiveX control and a web page.
by Garry Freemyer
Example screensaver in source code. Does a mini-preview too!
by Chen Su
complete screen saver framework with an installation program.
by Arif Zaman
An article on a Scriptable ActiveX Web Control using ATL.
by Vasudevanms
A web based Google Web services client using ASP.NET.
by Nader Elshehabi
The ultimate printing component. Use it to print ListBoxes, ListViews, TreeViews, DataGridViews, Forms, TabPages, or even your own UserControls.
by Jeff Varszegi
A Comprehensive Logging Package for .NET
by Martin Walker
A plug in enhancement to the STL bitset class.
by Bharath K A
MultiMap is similar to a .NET Dictionary collection type, but accepts duplicate Key,Value pairs during addition. The MultiMap collection is also a concurrent collection.
by Shaun Harrington
A context menu handler that makes it easier to work with paths, command windows, and program arguments from within Explorer.
by zhengdong jin
It's very easy to use and the most conventient DataGrid pager control.
by jackey_xp
A cool bitmap slider like Windows Media Player's.
by Pure_Acid
A cool game that uses the mouse
by ucc801
A cool GDI pattern brush tool with C++ source code. You can create a new office XP style pattern fill mode quickly.
by Sven So.
A timer that will only run the number of times you specifed.
This is an useful control that masks the input text with currency symbol and thousands and decimals separators.
by Mathieu Jacques
Freeze parts of the user interface until all drawings are done, and blend old content with the new one smoothly.
by Wilfred Verkley
Describes a custom XML serialization library, with functionality to compare for, and to combine differences
by Daniel Fisher (lennybacon)
This article describes how to create a custom configuration file AppSettings reader class.
by yvdh
Evolution of an image annotation control after its use for image processing.
by Shunix
This article is intended to show an opportunity for customizing the list view control (report view, single-line mode) using the custom scrollbar control.
by Syed M Hussain
This article explains how to develop a custom message box in C#.
by Carlos Jiménez de Parga
Explanation of a consistent 3D graphics software architecture through a basic OpenGL application
by Alberto Ferrazzoli
A text document printing class that adds customizable header, footer, and line numbers to your printed text. The text can also be printed using three different styles.
by alrh
A WPF TaskDialog control written in C# that simulates the Vista TaskDialog
by Marc Clifton
Reduce implementation time with a reusable, externally driven tab strip control.
by neeraj399
A data structure to store dictionaries in memory space-efficiently
by Nish Nishant
An ownerdrawn multi-column combobox class with support for data-binding
by Vincenzo Rossi
A class adding column show/hide capability to a DataGridView
by Muhammad Abubakar Dar
Makes the input of date values as fast as the user can via keyboard. Also has the ability to pick date from a picker like in the traditional DateTimePicker.
by Marc Clifton
Use this class when high precision is required in basic numerical operations.
by Derek Bartram
A demonstration application for showing the use of the WPF Ribbon Control as presented elsewhere
by BenDi
Another addition to the System.Collections - a ring buffer, more sophisticated than ArrayList or Queue.
by Chad Busche
How to implement an Explorer Desktop Band that uses the Microsoft’s Performance Data Helper interface to display current performance data about activity such as memory, disk, and processor usage.
by Hannes Foulds
An article on creating a custom collection like the SortedList that sort entries by value instead of by key.
by Paul M Watt
An interpretation of a popular falling block game implemented with DirectX that attempts to avoid any copyright infringement.
by arussell
A DirectX Wrapper
by Muhammad Azam
A simple ActiveX control which parses XML documents and fires events when it encounters Elements (Root, Nodes, Leaves, Body) in an XML Document.
by Jan S. Yoder
This article describes how to save and restore the size and position of your dialog-based application.
by Chris Hills
Other articles describe replacements for MessageBox() with extra buttons for "Yes to All" and "No to All", but you still have to write the code to handle those buttons. This article presents a class that does all the work for you.
by Evren Daglioglu
This project gets a DXF file, extracts and interprets data and draws it on screen.
by callmepls
A Fast CSV Writer Using ATL
by Olan Patrick Barnes
Win32 Mutexes are slow and cumbersome, this is a fast and nifty alternative!
by Tolga Birdal
Anyone needs a fast, efficient algorithm to compute the shortest path in C#? This article provides one.
by Mark Frishman
Alternative to Microsoft's FileVersionInfo class
by Alex Mol
Classes to make working with time and date data in different timezones easier.
by Jeffrey Walton
Create a File Checksum Shell Menu Extension using ATL and Crypto++
by Simon.W
Inject a File Switch Tabbar to Source Insight, which like uEdit or Visual Studio
by Nish Nishant
The article shows how to interop between a WCF service and a WWS client, and also how to rewrite the WCF service in WWS retaining compatibility with existing WCF clients.
by JChampion
Looking for a way to draw 2D line graphs with C#? Here's yet another charting class library with a high degree of configurability, that is also easy to use.
by Johnson Zhou
In Visual Studio, you will find an auto-completion list when you type your code in the IDE. This is a similar control but using a tree.
by H. S. Masud
A floating popup control which can display any form.
by DavidRipple
Change the back color of an edit box when it gets the focus, and back to another color when focus is lost
by Arijit Datta
An article on how to customize caption bar (e.g. displaying image on caption bar) and change border width and border color.
by Octavio Loyola-González, Miguel Angel Medina-Pérez, Andres Eduardo Gutierrez Rodriguez, Milton García Borroto
In this article, we introduce a framework in C# for fingerprint verification, we briefly explain how to perform fingerprint verification experiments and how to integrate your algorithms to the framework.
by realtang
A free draw you can use my example to do
by DaberElay
There are many tools out there for reports, varing by price, capabilities and learning curves. I wanted an ASAP tool (As Simple As Possible :-)) to produce HTML outputs and view them with emphasis, on dynamic creation capability. I started out with making a reporter for ADO DataSets.
by RichardEastes
Realtime page editing, simple, "on-the-fly" menu construction, modifiable permissions for users and groups, built-in search engine optimisation
by Matt Fomich
Instructions for using the Cards dynamic Link library. FreeCell game included.
by Renjith Ramachandran
This article will help you to approach COM basics in a friendly manner.
by Ianier Munoz
An article on low-level audio capture and playback using the waveIn/waveOut APIs through P/Invoke in C#.
by Nicolas Bonamy
A grid to display and edit properties of objects (as in Visual Studio)
by mystro_AKA_kokie
This is a demostration of a general purpose ruler control in use. It consist of 2 apps and the ActiveX control itself. Control code is included.
by Derek Bartram
An article presenting ProceedureDialog.dll, a custom control for creating wizard style interfaces / procedure dialogs
by Voinkov
A policy based implementation of UI updating that accumulates and executes UI changes.
by @deel@bbas
A Garbage Collector framework that is based upon Generational Copying
by aprenot
A generic algorithm that can be used to find the difference between objects.
by poodull76
Create T-SQL command text to update a table with OpenXML quickly and with minimal effort.
by Binoy
Writing a generic C++ template class to implement a smart pointer for automatic deletion of memory
by c#corner
I just read Mahesh's article Writing a Generic Data Access Component.
by santosh poojari
This article shows you how to make use of DataAccessLayer and caching.
by theidealist
Presentation of a generic, extendable C++ pipeline framework
by Sean Michael Murphy
A "set" type data structure in C# with basic logical operators.
by Tao Zhu
Provides and demonstrates the use of a generic "well" control that can be used to facilitate color-pickers, hash-style selectors amongst others
by Michael Potter
A reusable difference engine written in C#.
by moliate
Abusing your compiler for extremely early binding
by samirkut
An application (based on Gtk#) which uses the google web service to search the internet.
by Irek Zielinski
A Static control will gradient
by Ilya Solnyshkin
A Static control with a gradient
by Derek Bartram
An article presenting Ribbon Builder, a tool for creating ribbon controls
by Lewis Liu L
A Graphics Drawing Tool by using C# and Winforms
by shen_bd
A programmable, easy-to-use protocol decoder for parsing and displaying binary package
by Rob van der Veer
This custom repeater control can be used to add group headers to your output.
by msalmank
A quick hands-on application to guide you in using paneled forms, multi-splash screens, SQL Express, and many more....
by Paul M Watt
Guide to understand the three different types of clipping regions, and how they relate to the Device Context
by __PPS__
Shows how simple accessing Windows Registry can be if you do not need bells and whistles.
by Feng Xu
An article on a mutex pool manager based on heap or shared memory.
by Duncan Edwards Jones
A C# library to add a heartbeat and one or more listeners to an application.
by Mark Brandon
A helper object library to automate migration of SQL RS items from development to production servers.
by remarkpk11
Bitwise operations with enumerations.
by Len Holgate
Although socket based TCP/IP servers using IO Completion Ports are often written in C++, it's sometimes useful to write such a server in Visual Basic.
by Nitron
This article presents a stopwatch class with microsecond-precision for C# that offers split-time and a System.TimeSpan interface.
by pradeep shivadasan
timer based task scheduler
by Bony Chen
Singleton Pattern
by mystro_AKA_kokie
This is a partially implemented IDE for the Java platform.
by Craig Muller
An introduction to a vector collection class for typed pointers.
by Eric Woodruff
A tool to compress JavaScript files to reduce their size and improve page load times.
by dszarkow
An article presenting a JavaScript implementation of the Surveyor's formula for calculating the area of any polygon.
by Marc Clifton
A KeyedList implements an ordered key-value list.
by Michael Micco
Implementation of a list accessible by key with HashTable-like performance
by Dr. APo
win32easy is a static library that makes win32 programing as easy as old good C-like programming with a "main" routine.
by Daniel Junges
A simple and very small stack implementation for any type.
by Jozef Bozek
A CGuid class for manipulating the GUID structure.
by GDSchultz
This lightweight class allows you to easily implement a UML statechart in C++.
by Gabriyel
An article on integrating an OpenGL-based graph component that provides real-time updates.
by liyang yu
A multi-platform client/server socket in C++.
by Fernando Finelli
A list of server environment variables
by gamitech
This program will take all lettlers from a given file and turn them into a binary code defined by me. Attention, it only encrypts keys that are on you keyboard and it is not case sensitive.
by Ciro Sisman Pereira
Demonstrates how to intercept network traffic (IP packets) by putting a socket in promiscuous mode
by Satervalley
This small tool shows some real-time system information, such as network speed, CPU utilization, time period and so on on the screen .
by Andrea_86
A small introduction to load Virtual Earth Maps into C#
by sea_caty
This code shows how to do a simple localizable dropdown that sets up the options from suitable text.
by Ianier Munoz
This article describes a sample application that uses the waveout API in C#.
by Paul Ingles
An ASP.NET Validator Control implemented in Managed C++ that can be used to verify email addresses by connecting to SMTP servers listed as Mail eXchangers for a domain, includes example of Win32 API Interoperability with C++ .NET. The validation is not RegEx based.
by Don Kackman
Using the XP Theme API safely on any OS from C#
by Gene OK
This is an update to Don Kackman's UxTheme component originally written for Visual Studio 2003
by xicoloko
Implements a DataGrid with a Master/Detail view on data.
by Roger Allen
A Matrix class derived from CObject with serialization and operator overloading
by 73Zeppelin
An article on 2-D Polygon Clipping
by Paul A. Howes
An article detailing a simple memory-based device context for the WTL, to be used when flicker-free double-buffered drawing is desired
by Dave Loeser
A pseudorandom number generator.
by Ilan Assayag
Asynchronous sequential execution of methods using a message loop.
by Rick Hansen
Here is a very simplified method for selling relatively secure unlock keys to your customers. The unlock key you provide will only unlock that specific customer's download instance for a specific feature set or product.
by Pradeep Kumar Sahu
A Method of Worker Thread Pooling
by azealer
This article shows a method which handles events when you maintain multiple tables on a DataGridView.
by Frédéric Pailloux
Nice 7/16/Matric Segment LCD Control derived from CStatic and using GDI+ library
by Derek Bartram
An article presenting the Quick Access Toolbar as part of RibbonControl.dll, as seen in Microsoft Office 2007
by Derek Bartram
An article presenting ApplicationButton used in creating round buttons as per Microsoft Office Style application buttons
by WendellH
A C# implementation of the TextFieldParser class submitted by Tony Selkes that includes the ability to put the schema in an XML file and load the data directly into a DataTable.
by Drew_Benton
This article explores a more complete method of injecting a DLL into another process using the CreateRemoteThread approach.
by Derek Bartram
An article presenting a library for producing communication based application utilising the MSN Messenger services and protocols.
by marktoth
Button that allows multiple gradients defined at design time.
by Rachel Mant
This is what happened when I needed a file extension comparison algorithm, this should save you quite some time thinking one up.
by kbsbng
A calculator handling complex numbers and scientific functions
by carloqueirolo
A versatile and multi-purpose button and button-bar with full Office 2003 colors and style.
by zlike
Demostration of a multi-threaded HTTP proxy server implemented with WinSock on Windows.
by Jeremy Falcon
Provides a base to use when programming OpenGL-enabled applications for the real world, rather than a simple hello world.
by ErichG
A Naive Bayesian Classifier in C#
by Abfam
An article on network game programming.
by billconan, kavinguy
This article describes the implementation of a neural network with CUDA.
by Greg Osborne
A progress bar for when you don't know how long a process will take.
by John Hilton
Simple yet comprehensive viewing code for OpenGL and Direct3D.
by Peter Mares
A CStatic derived Progress bar control that can indicate "busy states" effectively and double up as a good looking progress bar
by kookoo
This article intruduce you a new software encryption method.
by TomKat
A nice multiline ToolTipCtrl example looking like the one available in Delphi.
by gamitech
A not so simple firewall if I can call it so. This application will ask you if you want a certain program to start.
by Tibor Blazko
How your control can eat its parent's messages.
by Bob Hartman
This article demonstrates how to use GDI+ to create a page turn effect.
by Prasad Khandekar
A panel control with caption support, which can also dock child controls properly.
by Manoj G
This article takes a look at the Microsoft Enterprise Instrumentation Framework and details how shortcomings of conventional instrumentation techniques are overcome using this framework
by Voicent Support
How to make a performance meter that looks like the one in Windows Task Manager
by Shaun Harrington
Combines images from the 'My Pictures' folder with 'on-the-fly' generated calendar grids, and sets the desktop background to the resulting image.
by Martyn Pearson
A simple method of maintaining a wait cursor across messages
by Carlos Buelna
Creates C code templates for PIC microcontrollers. The default templates are for use with the Hi-Tech (tm) PICC compiler.
by Jaker.Chen
A PLC simulator for WINDOWS
by 10031103
A POP3 class with WIN32 API
by YoungJin Shin
This function makes for you to draw a fancy text easy.
by Ali Tavakol
Fast, beautiful, real and easy to connect to your application
by Zoltan Balazs
Another approach to the MVC pattern
by Nitron
Presenting the std::vector with a discussion on STL algorithms and predicates.
by logicchild
An article that desribes some essentials to help learn the DirectX technology.
This article demonstates how to use Microsoft C++ as a spellchecker while programming by making excessive use of the user-defined keyword feature
by JoseMenendez
A serious project on an Office-like Ribbon control
by kuhx1980
A Progress-iner Message System
by Bill Heitler
Explains how to put a CPropertySheet into a CControlBar.
by JoeSox
Unique Jungian and MBTI approach to develop Human Artificial Intelligence
by Sharath C V
Explains MDI support in Windows with a simple example.
by Jason Henderson
An example of how to use Windows Communication Foundation services.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
The objective of this article (Part 2) is to introduce you to using of VB / Microsoft .NET library, Function, Methods as well in your Microsoft Windows PowerShell script.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
The objective of this article (Part 4) is to give you an introduction on how to integrate Microsoft Windows PowerShell with the Microsoft .NET library
by Md. Marufuzzaman
The objective of this article (Part-1) is to introduce you with Microsoft Windows PowerShell.
by Md. Marufuzzaman
The objective of this article (Part 3) is to introduce you to Microsoft Windows PowerShell and learn some basic command of windows PowerShell.
by David Pritchard
A combo box which behaves as a fully disabled combo box except that it allows you to select the text.
by amleth
A real time log file viewer.
by Christian Merritt
Demonstrates how to do realtime event log monitoring
by Rob Manderson
Part two of the logging service - the viewer
by Marc Clifton
C#'s release mode doesn't allow break points to be set. This function emits an IL break, forcing a breakpoint in the debugger.
by Alberto Bar-Noy
A simple reminder tool to remind you of your overdue tasks in ToDoList throughout the day
by samar abbas
An analog clock using anti-aliasing & double-buffering which can be resized, even into elliptical shapes.
by brady gaster
Using configuration classes and simple implementation, this library allows your applications a flexible method of reporting errors that happen. Included is a Windows XP-like WinForms UI that allows users the ability of opting for error reporting in WinForms applications.
by Len Holgate
Writing a high performance server that runs on Windows NT and uses sockets to communicate with the outside world isn't that hard once you dig through the API references. What's more, most of the code is common between all of the servers that you're likely to want to write.
by Len Holgate
To maintain performance a socket server shouldn't make blocking calls from its IO threads. This article builds on the previous one to add a business logic thread pool to our example server.
by Len Holgate
When a server has to deal with lots of short lived client connections, it's advisable to use the Microsoft extension function for WinSock, AcceptEx(), to accept connections.
by .dan.g.
A new and unique approach to the perennial problem of how to change the default appearance of Windows menus
by Mike O'Neill
COleRichEditCtrl will display RTF text as well as bitmaps, video clips, Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents, and any other kind of OLE objects.
by Member 1702012
An article on a custom control in the form of a rotating gauge.
by Stefan Bocutiu
A rotator control for Windows Forms.
by Bony Chen
Memory Pool
by Ken.Huang
A screen capture utility for developers as well as generic users.
by Jonathan de Halleux
A helper framework for generation of SQL queries in C++ and Lua
by Emilio Guijarro
SSD SDK provides security for your shareware programs through strong cryptographic techniques.
by Milton Karimbekallil
An article on a security neutral mutex class that can be used on any managed platform.
by Andre Ladeira
A class to create a NT service with a few lines of code
by Jim Weiler
This control will eliminate the need to ensure that updates are thread-safe from your main program. Everything is handled automatically the way it should have been in the first place.
by Ravi Bhavnani
This tutorial describes how to easily serialize a simple object.
by Ravi Bhavnani
This tutorial describes how to handle invalid data stores and support versioning during serialization.
by Ravi Bhavnani
This tutorial describes how to serialize complex objects.
by Rob Manderson
A service, and client code, to manage and create logfiles
by Rob Manderson
Using a service to run multiple instances of SETI on one machine and specify which processor(s) each can use
by Neil Baliga
An extension assembly that allows configuring the "advanced" service configuration options for recovery actions.
by Carlos Antollini
Simple database catalog access using a set of ADOX classes
by Carlos Antollini
A set of classes that make it easy to work with Network Management.
by Daniel Andersson
Writing generic code with templates and the C++ standard library.
by Johnson Zhou
A set of universal data check functions can be used in any systems with checking requirement.
by Steve-Low-NextwaveSoft
A button with a shiny orb effect on mouse hover.
by Paresh Solanki
This article describes, in simple terms, how to translate three dimensional co-ordinates into the two dimensional co-ordinates to be displayed on a screen
by Peter Schlang
A DLL helping to measure process time in your applications.
by Ranjeet Chakraborty
This article is my attempt at developing an extremely simple Whiteboard application in C#/ WinForms and sockets for messaging, to be used simultaneously by 2 users.
by Andre Trollip
An article on implementing your own simple caching.
by SreeKrishna
This article discusses sorting of a user defined collection object based on any of the properties of the business entity.
by Mohammad Dayyan
This article shows you how we can create an animation button in Silverlight.
by Jagan Mohan
A simple approach for controlling print jobs using WMI
by Brian Rush
A simple tab control using the ASP.NET MultiView and Menu controls.
by Mehran Farshadmehr
An application for backing up from your programs' folders.
by Colin Angus Mackay
Driving the PC Speaker from .NET.
by Manoj G
This article gives a very simple implementation of the binary tree data structure using VB.NET
by Marc Clifton
A small class that provides a pure bitmapped button capability for WinForms.
by Lim Bio Liong
Introduces .NET remoting via a simple but potentially useful example.
by Zimmermann Stephan
An easy to use C# library for quick and simple graph plotting.
by Man_Man2612
Describes how to create a simple scrolling aboutbox usercontrol with C#. The control can manage its display object list including text or image.
by Rogério Paulo
An example framework for toolbar handling, written in C#.
by Carlos Jiménez de Parga
An introduction to the Visual C++ CORBA development
by Johnson Zhou
Generate C++ classes using XML & XSL
by Jarl Ostensen
A finite field EC and simple ECC scheme in C++ to help understand the principles.
by gamitech
A simple chat program
by Shaun Harrington
A simple class to convert numerical values into strings, with localized thousands seperators.
by MeterMan
The framework, from what I have seen, does not include a function to play sound. So, after looking around and gathering information on how to do such, I ended up making a class. I like to use this for error messages. I simply imported the DLL file winmm.dll and used the PlaySound function from it.
by Vitaly Zayko
Explains how to catch an unhandled exception and send a stack trace along with other debug information to the developer.
by Rob Manderson
Using Variants in your C++ code
by Nick Alexeev
This class is a thin MFC wrapper around Win32 API for reading/writing INI files.
by kavehdr
This program shows how to make a simple clock.
by Haim Nachum
A multi-threaded crawler that downloads pages and saves them localy while preserving the site tree structure.
by carl morey
How to write a program that allows a simple game to run on Linux and Windows
by greghop
This database tool supports simple data modeling with entities, relations, attributes, classes & objects. Classes are like type definitions. Objects are like instances of the classes.
by Uri Lavi
A simple database viewer to manipulate SQL Server data types (in particular: image, binary, varbinary and text).
by mjtsai
WDM Driver programming introduction with three Pseudo Drivers.
by Manuele Sicuteri
This article describes a software (DLL) useful to manage icon visualization on the Windows taskbar with a popup menu.
by JLeePH
A simple DNS resolver compiled under Bloodshed C++ and using the Winsock 1.1 API
by Vaibhav Gawali
An article on a MessageBox server control that can capture a confirmation box's button pressed event on the server side.
by Ipog Thomas
A simple ASP feedback form with a little extra features like client's IP, browser info etc.
by Ammar Al-Jamri
This is a brief description.
by Industria Virtual
This is a tiny utility to send or to bring files among your computer and your provider. See it in action: If you find it useful, please vote!
by Carlos Buelna
A custom AppWizard application to create simple CTreePropSheet-based wizards.
by Alexandru Ghiondea
A histogram control for displaying your data.
by BadJerry
Drawing HTML text onto a device context
by Rob Manderson
Using GDI+ in conjunction with an owner-draw static window
by Rod VanAmburgh
A simple interface to the Video for Windows API for creating AVI movies from individual images.
by klinkenbecker
Builds a parse tree from a file based JSON string and allows you to edit as a tree or a string
by Neil Yao, Zoltan
A simple logfile to record runtime information
by Jude Deng
A simple method to create a shortcut to an executable file.
by flyhigh
Introducing a simple method to display a transparent PNG file.
by vivounicorn
A simple mine sweeping game using C#
by John Conrad
A Simple Multi-Threaded Server Client Instant Messenger Application that uses TCP Listener and TCP Client. Allows Personal message and Conference communication between Clients and with the Server
by PrasadPerera
A follow up to the simple pie chart control article which will detail the new improvements
by Binoy R
The NotifyIcon Component will display an icon in the status bar notification area, which you can use as notiification purpose to alert users that an action or event has occured.
by Steven Campbell
Lightweight HTML table based (no image) progress bar
by Weiye Chen
This is a simple class that you can use to load and use another resource DLL if it is present during runtime.
by Stephan Pilz
A tool to generate/manage news and provide news via RSS.
by Rob Manderson
A simple set of classes to encrypt data
by Manuele Sicuteri
This article shows a way to implement a base software key that could be useful for protecting software components.
by Maze
A simple solution to see the inside of your code.
by jonnynolimits
A library for creating custom switches for the devenv command prompt (extensibility example).
by Wang Yingwu
CTabDialog bundles buttons and dialogs, so users can add their owner draw buttons and dialogs
by GMachiavelli
An article useful to understand simple thread use, TCP/IP networking, and basic use of XML.
by Paul Ranson
A template class that allows Win32 object lifetimes to be managed 'smartly', includes an example memory mapped file wrapper.
by NotProfessional
Using GDI+ to parse TIFF files.
by Zorglab
This class allows you to create transparent static controls. For instance, you can add text on a bitmap in a dialog.
by Moheb Missaghi
This article presents a simple configuration data manager.
by gomorgan89
How to implement a simple UDP time server and client using WinSock.
by Nicolas Etienne
Demonstrates the simple use of a multimedia timer in user classes
by Balkrishna Talele
Simply set the time on the tool for the machine you wish to shut down (24 hrs), choose whether to log off, reboot or shutdown, or power off (ATX main boards only), and click Hide. It has been tested on Win9x/ME, WinNT/2000/XP.
by John Buettner
The code uses a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath method to follow the users mouse movements. The path is then painted in the control.
by Vijay Kanth
This is a simple news scroller that makes use of 2 tags and a few lines of code to give that scrolling effect. Since tag is used to hold the content, you may place images, links etc. within the inner tag called "news".
by Jeff Arrington
A Tic Tac Toe game in 2D and 3D. The kids will enjoy.
by The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Showing a wait window during a long running process
by Abdellatif_El_Khlifi
How to delete/modify a system file which is protected by Windows without being detected by the OS protection.
by dazinith
Replace your current menus with another set of menus with this function
by Toby Jacob Rhodes
Introduction to using a markup language that displays file and web page content
by Agemo
A simple web page template parser to separate layout from code.
by Jason Henderson
How to make a Win32 application object oriented, without using MFC.
by Rama Krishna Vavilala
A utility that can be used to spy the properties of any Windows forms control in the system
by Rod VanAmburgh
A simple Windows port scanner
by ice911
This project is a simple Windows port scanner which can be very useful for checking your machine to make sure it is locked down!
by Barretto VN
A Simple WordPad
by Sacha Barber
A Simple WPF Explorer Tree
by Sudheesh.P.S
AsyncFile is a small wrapper class for simplifying the usage of asynchronous file APIs.
by seasidetech
This class wraps some useful DDE messages to control Acrobat from your application
by Jan Tielens
Why another button control? Because I searched the net for a control that would mimic the XP/VS.NET style buttons, but I couldn't find a decent one. I think this button has all needed functionality: cool style, shortcut keys, icons, alignment, ...
by Mike Kitchen
An article on creating a simple dice game with C#.
by Douglas R. Keesler
A file encryption/decryption class with built in MD5 string and file hashing.
by Chandra Hundigam Venkat
A Single Instance control component which checks whether any instance of your application is running on the system.
by Brian van der Beek
A Singleton Template Class
by Filip Waeytens
A class that returns all possible combinations of a given subset, without using recursion.
by TomKat
A small but effective discussion on threads , how they work , and tips and tricks ! Plus a cool implementation !
by Uwe Keim
An article describing a simple class that makes working with URL parameters a little bit easier
by Stumpy842
A versatile ProgressBar control featuring vertical and horizontal mode, gradients and more.
by atojha
SIngle Player Game in VB.NET
by davyuan
This tool parses a SOAP request and calls the COM+ component to stress test it.
by Joris Koster
A solution to the Readers/Writers Problem using semaphores
by Ron Ayoub
Presents an implementation of a Spiral Tic-Tac-Toe AI using a vanilla Negamax search algorithm and WPF DrawingVisuals
by Ariadne
ShowArgs displays a MessageBox and reads the parameter from command line.
by Software_Developer
A Star Wars Scroller Demo that moves smoothly from the bottom to the top in OpenGL (GLUT)
by Black_Daimond
CTextScroller is a smart control that can be placed in an About dialog. The text is automatically formatted to fit the client rectangle.
by Alexander Kuzmin
A static splitter with the ability to hide/show multiple columns/rows
by Rama Krishna Vavilala, Nish Nishant
This article compares and contrasts the relative performances of various languages like native C++, Visual Basic 6, C#, VB.NET, Managed C++, MC++ and native code mix, ngen'd assemblies etc. using a prime number generation function as a generic benchmark
by Tobias Wenig
Writing multiple enumerated configuration entries.
by Bryan Brown
A strategy for displaying numeric data with significant figures using Log10.
by Marc Clifton
Understanding value and ref types for equality tests and as keys in collections
by Joe Nellis
Five classes for computing discrete probabilities
by Ernesto Perales Soto
A tabbed frame window to show several views of a document in a single frame.
by Yoramo
An extension of the tab control that adds a closing 'X' at the left side of the tab page: pressing it will close the tab page.
by PJ Arends
Presents a header file that allows a single source file that uses STL to be built in either ANSI or Unicode, without any changes or lots of #ifdefs.
by Andrew Courtice
A TCP/IP chat program coded in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.
by Junlei Li
Use an easy-to-use templated class to custom the title bar of windows.
by .dan.g.
Simplifying the implementation of Windows hooking through the use of a templatized manager class
by Rob van der Veer
This control allows you to select a template for each different row in your Repeater, based on the content of that row.
by The Ladies' Man
Makes use of Windows Forms and the Speech API to create WAV files from text
by User 9885
A cross-platform thread pooling implementation
by Bony Chen
A wrapper class of worker thread
by Tony Ioanides
An alternative approach to selecting date ranges.
by Wu Xuesong
An article describing a tool developed using WPF for visualizing 3D geometry models
by Lindsey Lewis
An article about a tool for comparing SQL database schema versions
by Nicholas Butler
Move your window buttons into your preferred order. WinXP or later only.
by Ramanan.T
Useful tool to view functions in a library (.LIB) file and export them to a header (.H) file
by G. Steudtel
This article explains how to place a toolbar right in the middle of a dialog or a form.
by Neil Yao
A ToolBarCtrl based menubar control using CMenuXP
by red_moon
A tooltip to display separate title, contents, and image of each control, and enable for custom shaped
by Razan Paul (Raju)
A touch screen keyboard which emulates the basic functionality of a real keyboard.
by chenhuasheng
A clock demo, but it can check on work too. With some clicks on the Hour blocks, you can realize it.
by vcepa
An article about menu enable/disable management in a semi-automated way
by Nicholas Butler
An implementation of a Tree Collection in C#.
by TigerX
A Tree List Control
by Olan Patrick Barnes
TryEnterCriticalSection is a useful tool to determine if some protected resource is busy, but it's only available on the NT Platform... until now.
by Rakesh Rajan
This article talks about how to use the Background Worker component in Whidbey to execute long-running operation asynchronously. It also talks about how to support progress reporting and cancellation.
by lilyco
Introduces an open source UDP-based data transfer library.
by LogicNP
A UITypeEditor for easy editing of flag enum properties in the property browser.
by Dominique Bijnens
A tool to quickly verify a sentence's correctness.
by wimar
A component to communicate with a USB HID device
by slelong
A USB library to detect USB devices, and manage Attach and Detach events
by Nicolas Bonamy
Some dialog boxes separators that replace group boxes
by surf uk
An article to illustrate a useful tool for WMI (WMICodeCreator) & using WMI to find USB Serial / COM port adaptors
by Jeffrey Walton, Jordan Walters
A UTF-16 class derived from CStdioFile for reading and writing Unicode files
by stevefalken
A simple front end to manage network diagrams based on Visio-like shape connectors.
by dacris
This utility converts projects and solutions from VS.NET 7.0 to VS.NET 7.1 and vice versa.
by yvdh
Some vector and matrix manipulation routines.
by yvdh
A VB.NET class for advanced colorimetric image processing and manipulation
by X-caiver
An article on a VB.NET ripple image control
by Andrea Cacciarru
This article explains how to publicize and retrieve data from custom Outlook forms programmatically.
by Marc Clifton
Demonstrates Using MyXaml With A Vector Graphics Engine to Create an Analog Clock
by Nathan Ridley
This script allows you to email the contents of an HTML form to one or more specified addresses. It supports HTML emails, plain text emails, and preformatted email templates.
by noxia
A sample application with source code in three .NET languages (Basic, C#, C++) on using the new (.NET 3.0+) System.Speech Class.
by Syed M Hussain
This is a very simple tool, to query an Oracle XE database
by Rafid K. Al-Humaimidi
An article describing how to parse simple mathematical expressions (containing only +, -, *, /, and numbers) and evaluate their values.
by Jim Xochellis
A simple and fast image encryption technique, which facilitates the secure use of external image files in common applications.
by Dariush Tasdighi
With this library, you can easily create some RSS 2.0 files for your site and/or use some RSS 2.0 files from other sites into your site.
by TheKarateKid
This will help you understand, how we can create objects which talks wth .NET and vice versa
by Brij
This article discusses about Application Level events, Application State with a simple example.
by Marcello Bonino
Correct input/output of strings to/from a DLL written in VC++, using BSTR type.
by Jun Du
This is an article to demonstrate how to write a web content monitoring tool to watch gas price indices.
by Wesner Moise
Provides a class library containing Win32 API function calls, constants, and structures.
by Polis Pilavas
An article on a C# library responsible for acting as a Winamp front-end
by Don Kackman
A command line tool that generates XML and/or HTML Diff reports of two Windows installer databases.
by User 30735
A classic example of implementing reusable web user control, with supporting controls and classes to keep the code manageable
by sswater shi
A Word addin to syntax highlight selected text. The toolbar is permanent, with a transparent button icon.
by George Mamaladze
This workaround allows you to show HTML elements on top of ActiveX elements (an tag).
by Derek Bartram
A WPF Digital Clock for displaying the current time, styled using RibbonStyleHandler
by Derek Bartram
An article presenting a WPF library for producing extensible runtime customisable graphs
by Bony Chen
Share information betwwen processes using Memory-Mapped File
by kim-ryo
CItemIDList class helps manage ITEMIDLIST more easily
by Yubo Dong
A simple wrapper class for the libid3tag to retrieve id3 tag information from a given MP3 file.
by Paul M Watt
A message loop class that is suitable for game programming in WTL.
by Stephen Jones
This article describes a tab control that automates the management of tab windows.
by Derick Cyril Thomas
A WTL Implementation of XP Button and Edit Box
An ImagePanel component created to replace the PictureBox.
by Keith A. Lewis
Single header wrapper for registry manipulation.
by Dalibor Drzik
Stop the initiated system shutdown without downloading the platform SDK.
by zhzhtst
This article supplies the source code of the _ValidateEH3RN function in Structured Exception Handling.
by Mahfuzur Rahman.
What is the useful of CObject , CRuntimeClass and related macros.
by wumpus1
A reusable About Box form for developers and users.
by Sidney Chong
An abstract base class that provides the basic plumbing necessary for an options dialog. More specifically, it manages the creation, layout, display and event handling of the three option buttons OK, APPLY and CANCEL.
by Rahman Mahmoodi
Abstract class versus Interface: Usage and Implementation.
by Yaron Golan
Macro for auto-implementing abstract methods extended by given class or interfaces.
by Manas Bhardwaj
Accessing Active Directory
by guptasulabh
This article helps in accessing all controls. For example clearing all textbox in the form
by Johnson Zhou
How to access RDBMS liks MS SQL or Orcale using XML. The core part using COM technology and ATL.
by Matthew Hazlett
A class to help you access the images in an ICO file (VB & C#)
by LimeyRedneck
Update the parent's status bar panel(s) from a child MDI form
by cyb70289
Play with physical memory, port, PCI configuration space in user mode
by Lonnie McCullough
A set of macros and classes that allow declarative access to registry settings.
by Vinod Giri T
An article exhibiting the use of the "AccessActiveDirectory" utility on how to play with the members of the Active Directory for any specified domain.
by Richard Deeming
A pair of classes to encapsulate access to NTFS alternative data streams.
by Kodanda Pani
This article describes how to call a COBOL program residing on an AS400 machine from a .NET application.
by Philip Patrick
Shows an easy way to access ASP built-in objects such as Request from XSL template.
by Karismatic
Using this dll anyone can access 3 databases i.e Oracle,SQLServer,Access
by M. Aamir Malik
An article describing how to access messages in the Outgoing Message Queue.
by Waheed Iqbal
An article on accessing process information using the Win32 API.
by yann bertaud
How to get the song list, song information from ITunes using .NET.
by Code4Food
A class to access the WAB
by dixanta
Accessing WebCam in Visual Basic 6
by Kris Rudin
An article on how to use C# and the Windows Media Format SDK to read metadata in Windows Media Format files.
by Yingle Jia
This article introduces a tiny shell library built on ACF which makes shell programming a joy.
by Lea Hayes
A useful undo/redo system that can be implemented into most programs easily.
by Jim Crafton
An article on adding action support to your VCF application.
by Mike Ellison
An approach to encapsulating functionality in server controls, separate from a user interface.
by Cradle77
An implementation of Borland's ActionList.
by Christian Merritt
A Windows control for selecting objects in Active Directory.
by Andrey Levin
This addin provides some useful functions for editing source code: change selection case to upper case, change selection case to lower case, capitalize selection and conver spaces in a selection to TABs.
by Peter Tewkesbury
This article shows how to write an ActiveSync file filter in C#.
by Mostafa Kaisoun
AciveX for using MSDataGrid with ComboBox and DTPicker
by Andrew Wirger
This article describes how to ensure that the MFC state is properly maintained when sinking ActiveX events
by VictorVele
Example for read Magnetic Strip Reader using ActiveX, COM Object for KioskMsr reader
by michael.neubrander
Multi account synchronizer for GMail, AD, and SQL Server.
by Toby Jacob Rhodes
Convert a HTML web page to GRML.
by Sreejumon
Modify PropertyGrid control Items collection, at runtime.
by Binoy R
This example demonstrates how can you make a baloon tooltip message using windows tooltip component.
by dmihailescu
Add a context menu to the Windows Explorer using Registry only.
by Sarvesvara (BVKS) Dasa
An article that explains a method to add your own custom template in the Visual Studio .NET 2003 IDE.
by mav.northwind
A control to let the user select to never see a dialog again.
by Chun Li
Use the HTTP module to automatically add a header and footer control to all ASP.NET pages.
by xiaojin
The article explains adding a user in SQL Server programmatically, using VC++
by Zhang YanFeng
This article will show you how to make MDI window of WTL into ATL control by using a real world example.
by Gabriel Sirbu
This article explains how to add an extra header item to a standard ASP.NET DataGrid.
by Mike Carruth
This article describes how to use the CrashRpt library to generate crash report for your application that can be debugged using WinDbg or VS.NET.
by Abbas_Riazi
Use serial ports to add GPS (Global Positioning System) support to your desktop computer by using NMEA0183 protocol
by Adib Saad
A .NET4.0 alternative for "Add Most Recently Used Files (MRU) List to Windows Applications"
by Abbas_Riazi
Use WiNRADiO card to add radio support to your desktop computer
by nschan
An article on adding scrolling to a CWnd or CDialog using a C++ helper class.
by Sidney Chong
The CMenu class is a great help when it comes to manipulating menus, but unfortunately it doesn't implement serialization. CSerializableMenu is a subclass of CMenu that provides serialization support.
by Ivan0001
Automatically create recent menu items, it's very easy and useful. You just need to define file to save, and menu button (class will automatically create all items).
by Thomas Stockwell
Give your applications transparent menus and add XP style system buttons to a form's titlebar.
by xwp
Implement XP style scrollbar by self-draw
by David Y. Zhao
Wrapper class that uses visual style APIs available in WinXP
by Alain Rist
CZoomScrollImpl extends WTL CScrollImpl to allow continuous zooming.
by martincook
An extension method that extends the AddDay method to include only business days
by Catalin Stavaru
Finally, an add-in that increments build number for VC++.NET !
by Tingu Abraham
Creating Add-in Menus in Lotus Notes using Lotus C APIs and MFC.
by Achintya Jha
This Visual Studio add-in puts a nice-cool shortcut button on your debug toolbar to attach your code to the ASP.NET debugger (aspnet_wp.exe).
by Huang Wei
Adding "Merge cells" support to the MFC GridControl.
by Andy Hopper
This article describes how to add a description for your .NET Framework Windows Service to the Services administration tool.
by Tyron Madlener
An article on how to add a custom button to the caption bar.
by chakkaradeepcc
This project aims at adding a new toolbar and button to Microsoft Outlook
by Nish Nishant
Shows how you can have status bars in your dialog based apps
by Mansoor Sarfraz
Internet Explorer does not always show the full contents of dropdown lists and list boxes. This means if the data in the list box is bigger thatn the control's witdth, the user will not be able to fully see it. We can show a tooltip of each content to solve the problem.
by Simon Parmenter
A VS2008 C++ project to add an icon resource in a file to an executable.
by importfanatik23
How to add an LDAP address book into MS Outlook, using VBScript.
by adrian cooper
A beginner's guide to adding a binary resource in visual studio and a simple class for programmatical extraction.
by Narb M
An article on adding alphablended images to an imagelist control and using them on components.
by Douglas Day
This article describes the steps to add automatic update capabilities to your application quickly and easily using the DDay.Update library.
by roel_v2
Step-by-step instructions on how to add OLE automation to an already existing application. In addition, it illustrates how to do things without using the code as provided by the application wizard.
by Peter Rilling
Introduction to the BalloonWindow class which allows .NET applications to implement balloon windows similar to what is available in Windows XP. Complete customization allows both the appearence and shape to be configured as well as projecting an alpha-blended shadow.
by ssjvackar
A simple way to select a DataGrid row by clicking it.
by Mohammed El-Afifi
Given an existing win32 application, how to provide COM automation capability to it?
by kokholm
This short article demonstrates the ability to add Context Help to your application.
by Stefan Popov
This article shows you how to add context aware XPath functions to an XSL transformation. This is done by a hack using reflection.
by Jason Dorie
A tutorial on adding design-time enabled borders to user controls. Covers topics including atributes, interop, and custom overrides
by Jim Parsells
ExpTree part 2: Adding drag and drop to the ExpTree control.
by Navneet Codes
Code for adding events to the event viewer by C#
by craigd
Adding advanced search-engine features (and persistent catalog) to Searcharoo project
by Softomatix
How to add user to file access permissions using DirectoryServices in .NET framework in Active Directory
by Abey Thomas
This is an article about adding footnotes to a Word document (MS Office 2007) programmatically.
by NormDroid
Norm demonstrates how to coerce GDI+ into displaying animated GIFs
by rudigrobler
An example of how to add glass effect to your WPF applications using attached properties with only 1 line of code!!!
by Niraj Sharma
Shows how to add 'Google Suggest' functionality to an ASP.NET application.
by Chris Maunder
A class for adding icons to the system tray
by SeeSharp
Adding images to MenuItems
by Ken Mackenzie
How to easily add line numbers to source code or text.
by Rafay Bin Ali
How to add live content feeds to your weblog or web site.
by Ernest Laurentin
Shows how to use Microsoft Script Hosting inside existing ATL/WTL Application
by Ernest Laurentin
Introduction to Microsoft Script Hosting and Adding Macro Scripting language support to existing MFC Application
by Gabriel Graves
An article on adding MDI support to .NET applications.
by Fred Ackers
An article on adding mouse based functionality to any CWnd derived control
by Hesham Amin
This article is about creating ActiveX controls in Visual Basic 6 that has two extra mouse Events: MouseLeave, MouseHover
by Igor Tebelev
Adding rollover Hot Toolbars to an application when you don't have access to the toolbar source code
by Santhi.M
This add-in adds try/catch blocks inside your method automatically on clicking it.
by Roger65
For those of us that get Link error "mfc42ud.lib" not found
by maththaios
How to add user names to the Event Viewer.
by Ganesan Sankaran
How to add values to a dropdown using AJAX.
by Ernest Laurentin
Introduce to MSSCRIPT.OCX and calling JScript and VBScript in your C++ Application
by kla_boot
Doc/View MRU reflected in a ComboBox on the document form view
by Lukas Neumann
An example of undocumented integration into the user interface of Microsoft Office applications.
Allows to maintain and backup your contacts and also maintains a reminder. You can store data in any of the three different databases like Microsoft SQL Server, MySql, Microsoft Access
by S.S. Ahmed
This article shows how to create tasks in the SQL Server remotely.
by S.S. Ahmed
Create a component to administer SQL server remotely, create tasks that remove themselves from the scheduler after performing the assigned job.
by Carlos Antollini
A list of ODBC DSN Connection Strings.
by Kannan Kalyanaraman
The article explains how to make use of COM objects from .NET
by mysorian
A tutorial on connecting to SQL 2000 Server.
by LockonFlamingCliffs
Shows the basics of working with ADO.NET disconnected data.
by rocky_pulley
How to use the Adobe Acrobat 7 Reader ActiveX control inside a C++ application.
by Brad P. Taylor
A template class to making loading Adobe Photoshop files easier
by KChandos
Active Directory lookup utility
by Dmitry Salko
Allows to display information popup window above tray area.
by Rene Pally
Advanced .NET Debugging Extracting Information from Memory
by Travis Howle
Easily develop software to create fully custom Code 39 Barcodes for printing on Avery 8167 labels (document and box labels, or more based on customization).
by Leo Moll
A High performance "Disk Optimizer" like status display class
by 0xdeadbeef
Advanced critical section which features TryLock and timeouts
by Greg Ellis
Shows how to customize the Microsoft WebBrowser control in a dialog based app to allow custom context menus, message boxes, windows, modal dialogs and C++ function calls from JavaScript to your application using window.external.
by Ansil
An article on data caching features of ASP.NET.
by George Oakes
This is an advanced manipulation of the FileSystemWatcher object.
by Oleksandr Kucherenko
Simple to use classes for logging and tracing
by Sergiy Stoyan
A replacement of .NET MessageBox class that provides additional features and improvements like possibility to show any number of buttons, ‘apply-my-answer-by-default’ checkbox, intelligence layout and more.
by ramarez
An edit control that provides formatting and validation number
by Sreenivas Vemulapalli
Advanced Shape Control
by Marc Clifton
An Introduction To The Concept Of Unit Test Patterns
by Marc Clifton
An Introduction To The Issues Of Unit Testing
by Marc Clifton
This article illustrates how a unit test automation framework is implemented and continues the case study developed in Part I.
by Marc Clifton
Extend Unit Testing So That Entire Processes Can Be Tested
by Marc Clifton
This article extends the unit testing framework, adding fixture setup/teardown capability and performance (time and memory) measurement/testing.
by Guillaume Leparmentier
How to use, and understand, visual styles for custom controls drawn with a C# wrapper (uxtheme.dll)
by TylerBrinks
Addressing the common issues related to the MVP pattern using ASP.NET and WinForms clients.
by Mathias Tunared
A Combobox in which the user can resize the drop window. Can be standard style or flat style.
by Fabio Zanetta
An introduction to ScriptedItem and ScriptAge for the AGE engine
by Agus Kurniawan
Class wrapper for Message Queue (MSMQ)
by Rahul_Sindhu
Steering Behaviours, Genetic Algorithms, and Neural Networks in games
by jasonpang2011
Tracks the status of an AIM user (online, away, offline).
by ashishparihar1310
The objective behind writing this article is to make use of Ajax Control Toolkit in implementation.
by Miroslav Sommer
An article on how to use the Rating control from the AJAX Control Toolkit and create CSS and images to display it as a gauge or thermometer.
by DreamInHex
Create your own AJAX Shoutbox using ASP.NET and C#.
by DreamInHex
Create an AJAX Color Picker for your website with the power of Anthem.
by DreamInHex
Create an AJAX DataGrid that binds, sorts and pages with no post-backs
by Gyan Jadal
A quick view into Ajax Toolkit controls grouped by functionality
by Luke Stratman
ASP.NET web control that renders performance counter data to the screen in the form of a text label, progress bar, histogram, or line graph and automatically updates itself via an AJAX call
by bfinnerty
To use the ScriptManager and UpdatePanel controls to enable AJAX-style partial page updates.
by radumi
An article about how to keep AJAX simple as it is and get the most out of it.
by Tittle Joseph
Did you know that you can call any JavaScript function or stop the user from moving to the next page when he clicks on the paging links in an ASP.NET DataGrid? Read on...
by Rakesh Rajan
How to get/set/create/delete registry keys of the system, user; setting up registry permissions etc. using C#.
by AtulMalhotra
Cryptography classes available in .NET.
by vridhichowdhry
How to print a Form in VB.NET using the Printform Component. Describes the various ways with examples on how to customize the printed output according to your need.
by Jeff Turner
Installing .NET framework with your application.
by A.Salem
this article will help you in knowing what is cookies and how to set,clear and edit them in c# web application,you can use it in your web application to facilitate the users login
by rmilian
Allow editable content on your web pages.
by Jesse Chunn
Enable resizing of controls on a form at runtime with this class and two lines of code.
by rtybase
A Java like threading framework.
by Julian Ott
A tutorial on using the IExtenderProvider
by Amitux
database Paging alphabetically tutorial
by Ozge Colak
This articles illustrates alpha-blending two bitmaps.
by Bob Bradley
A transparent/translucent textbox for .NET
by f209
A remake of the AlphaNavigator control by micahbowerbank.
by micahbowerbank
This is a fully contained control that when used will give the designer a strip of letters representing entries starting with a certain letter. The characters that are found become hyperlinks. This control has a custom event handler for discovering which letter was clicked.
by Sandip Dalvi Tung
This code is very useful when you want to auto increment number using A-Z and 1-9 with possible combinationYou can pass any string and system will return next possible number e.g. You can Pass number "PRO01A9" then You will get "PRO01B1"
by Noel Frankinet
A virtual WTL ListView control on an SQLite3 table or view.
by sameeraperera
An alternative to the Microsoft's Smart Client Offline Application Block, built on top of the open-source Db4O.
by hevesir
Alternative tnsping for Oracle Instant Client.
by Rahman Mahmoodi
A class that returns the ad details from an XML file.
by Steve Ward UK
This article will demonstrate an alternative to the C# out parameter for those times when you need to get a value back from a method plus some additional information. I'll show you how generics and anonymous methods can be used together to help you write cleaner resuable code.
by Mark Johnson
A suggestion to an alternative way to support languages under the .NET Framework.
by Rob Langston
A DLL which creates a system hook to trap WM_INITMENUPOPUP and append an "Always on Top" option to all system menus.
by Alexey
A dBASE syntax parser of one expression. Functions and variables are supported.
by Okeno Palmer
Create an ASP.NET application that uses the Amazon Web Service to search the Amazon catalogs.
by Anders Molin
A small utility to make easy logging to files
by Ross White
A C++ class enabling retrieval and display of compiled message files.
by Amzi! inc.
C++ ASP.NET interface to Amzi! Prolog + Logic Server for building Rule-Based Expert Systems
by MrPJ
An article describing how to create an Explorer-style treeview with system icons.
by iranvig
An ActiveX Control - you can create a Skinable Form in Desgin Time.
by YuHao
This small add-in provides DeveloperStudio Object Model in a hierarchy TreeView and enables users to see its properties.
by Jochen Jonckheere
A view of how ADO.NET can be used in a multi-database, multi-tier environment.
by darkoman
An article on rendering different gradients.
by Chris Copeland
A rendering class with full customizations for novice or advanced users.
by Michael Dunn
An advanced utility that scans computers for missing hotfixes, and helps you download and install them.
by Jesus Oliva
Firewall-Hook driver is a completely unknown method to develop simple packet filtering applications. With this article, I want to tell you how this driver works and what you need to do to use it in your applications.
by Jeffrey Walton
This article presents yet another registry class which encrypts data using AES.
by jlchereau
An ASP.NET server control inspired from WinForms’ ListView and implementing ASP.NET AJAX Extensions 1.0.
by Abin
An easy to use keyboard hooking DLL that is suitable for most applications.
by Pascal Hurni
An implementation of a shell namespace extension that uses the system provided ShellView (SHCreateShellFolderView)
by Jeff J Anderson
An alpha channel composited form for image based Window frames
by Toby Jacob Rhodes
Creating web pages using GRML.
by thom_as
In this article I show an alternative to the tricky (and thus often unstable) attempts to create a view on a dialog.
by Gurvinder Singh
The article describes a platform independent alternative to VC++ and MFC
by Arthur & Vladimir Nesterovsky
This article describes transport for web services through MQ, provided as an implementation of SOAP Transport interface of the Web Services Enhancements (WSE 2.0).
by Jeffrey Walton
An Analysis Demonstrating the PE Checksum is an Additive Checksum based on RFC 1071
by ro_angel_bv
Simple program that interprets a MPEG 2 file.
by Robert Rohde
An extended picturebox, animated picturebox, and an animated progressbar in one component.
by Abin
CAniDialog : An Animation-Style Dialog Class Derived from CDialog and Using DrawWireRects
by Joshua Tully
A look into what goes into the area of preventing reverse engineering, and gives developers some functions and ideas about preventing reversing engineering of their programs.
by Ilan Assayag
Querying images from Google programmatically.
by YangXiaoWang
An apple style docking bar implemented by eGui lib
by Ting Huang
This is an application deployment system for ASP.NET, including code-based or non-code publishing of DEV to QA, QA to Staging and Staging to Production. Asynchronous technique is used in this project to handle long-running processes such as file copy, status update and application warm-up.
by SuperEric
This application is just a simple simulator but its ability is that u can simply add much more properties to ur mobile and the interface and the source code are so separate so u can change the interface with just a low cost!!!
by Rad1cal
I have written a number of applications and have always been a little disappointed at how drab they look using the standard VS controls. I had been looking for an easy way for brightening up these apps and in the end resorted to writing my own button control.
by Philipos Sakellaropoulos
ASP pages and free COM objects for generation of thumbnails and thumbnail views.
by Los Guapos
This article explains an ASP.NET application to view and share photos online.
by Tittle Joseph
An ASP.NET DataGrid custom control which allows freezing of header, columns, and rows in a DataGrid just by changing a single attribute value. It is inherited from the .NET DataGrid, therefore all features of the DataGrid are still available.
by matts_junk
An ASP.NET/AJAX interface for the utorrent application.
by Andre Azevedo
An asynchronous socket server and client with encryption and compression.
by Neville Dastur
A COM component that implements interprocess communication, and illustrates firing events to a COM container such as Visual Basic
by mehrcpp
An article on WebBrowser hosting and customization.
by Jozef Bozek
An ATL toolbox control.
by Rajesh Pillai
Who am I? What am I doing here at CodeProject? Well, I'll answer myself all these questions and others.
by Johnson Zhou
A set of classes for batch inputting, validating, and packing user's data.
by Joseph M. Newcomer
A button control that autorepeats after a set period of time
by PJ Arends
This is an alternative for "An AutoRepeat Button Class"
by Yi Yang
A more real Document Template Class
by Jesus Oliva
Firewall application developed using Packet Filtering API.
by bakerjuk
This article describes the steps taken in the file synchroniser
by wpte
The way to get your splashscreen going in a few lines of code.
by Cibz
Improve drawing of controls with transparent background over a form with image background
by Muhammad Ahmed
A very simple class which can list all the Active Directory users just by calling a single member function.
by Corneliu Tusnea
Observer Pattern implemented in a nice template model, easy to use as it does not require the classical inheritance and can easily decouple Subject and Observer
by John Stewien
An article on creating weak event handlers that show how to use them in a Windows Form.
by Daniel Cohen Gindi
I have created classes to wrap the SQLite3 library, to remove many headaches...
by Mingliang Zhu
An article showing how to easily but effectively extract all frames from a video as bitmaps
by Juan Pablo G.C.
GNU code of RibbonPanel, free software for personal and nonlucrative use, for rest please contact me
by Roger Allen
A quick and easy way to customise the CPrintDialog object in an MFC application
by Scott Dorman
A simple to use resumable file downloader class that provides progress feedback for .NET 2.0 or .NET 1.1
by Chen Hao
An article on how to dynamically hide columns in a list control.
by James T. Johnson
A class to parse HTML - a part of the ScreenSaver competition
by Andrea Cacciarru
How to implement a class that derives from a Xstream class and how to serialize from and to it.
by Alan Burkhart
A thesaurus based on data from the WordNet database, easily implemented
by Magerusan Grigore Cosmin
Hybrid control simulating a combo box with checkboxes on a dropdown tree
by Vincenzo Rossi
An enhanced PrintPreviewDialog with better look, localization, auto page numbers, and additional text.
by Paul Stovell
An implementation of an ErrorProvider for Windows Presentation Foundation.
by choiday
Introducing a simple event mechanism for C++ using a C# style delegate.
by Marc Clifton
An event pool helps manage large amounts of events that otherwise clutter up your code and make maintenance difficult.
by Roger Allen
A discussion of the OS menu object from a beginner's viewpoint. I take you through the basics to a more advanced understanding of menus and how to interact with them from code.
by Tobias Wenig
A platform independent game model.
by GMazzo65
This shows how to use a "working" progress bar like Windows XP does.
by Peter Hancock
Provides a plug in multithreaded environment, using an exception safe thread-pool and functors.
by Jeff Varszegi
Provides runtime evaluation of mathematical and string-based expressions.
by Shams Mukhtar
Development of a framework for master-pages using ASP.NET and C#.
by Nick Parker
A class to allow easy access and updating to configuration settings for your .NET application
by Jon Larborn
A command promt web server that starts an application or opens a file given in as an argument in an HTTP address. Could potentially be used to show media on screen using QR-codes.
by YangTze
An Icon Explorer which looks like Windows Resource Explorer
by Tino Marx
This IIS observer service checks the availabilty of the Intenet Information Server.
by Chen Su
A sample that can load, display, and print graphics files.
by jemodurn
An image preview dialog for adjusting brightness and contrast
by Dave Midgley
.NET delegates and Generics allow for an elegant implementation of the Command pattern.
by Nitron
This article presents an in-depth analysis of std::deque and offers guidance as to when to prefer using it as opposed to std::vector, by taking into consideration memory allocation and container performance.
by jlchereau
An alternative to message boxes, implementing ASP.NET AJAX Extensions 1.0.
by Manoj G
This article talks about why cloning of objects is required, how it can be done and some considerations of cloning
by Marc Clifton
Implements an instrumented event manager which can be used to invoke event sinks both synchronously and asynchronously. The event sink can be declared using either the System.EventHandler delegate or by reflection.
by Tim_Mackey
This article explains how to enhance your 404 page by providing links to pages with a similar name to the requested page.
by Ferhat Nutku
An article on communicating with a database and generating SQL queries on the fly
by Modesty Zhang
This article presents a practical technique to achieve interface based object implementation by ATL only. This technique implements basic COM concepts about interface while doesn't rely on COM runtime.
by Lex Li
This article introduces #SNMP and how to use it to accomplish SNMP operations such as managing SNMP enabled devices.
by SBJ
Introduction to an MVC Framework that integrates with the MFC Doc/View architecture
by John Sasak
Step by step introduction to a new generation database for .NET
by John Sasak
Step by step introduction to a new generation database for .NET: Schema definition
by John Sasak
Step by step guide for .NET programming with a Post-Relational Database
by John Sasak
ADO.NET programming with a post-relational database
by John Sasak
Object-oriented programming with a post-relational database
by John Sasak
ASP.NET programming with a post-relational database.
by Andrew Walker
An overview of the Boost library
by Mayur Mahajan
Article giving a general perspective on implement callback interfaces and general notion of connectable objects and connection points.
by Wouter Dhondt
Explanation of the debugger pseudoregisters like @ERR, @TIB
by Rob Manderson
A guide to using lex and yacc to create parsers in your projects
by Rob Manderson
Using lex and yacc to create parsers for your projects
by Niladri_Biswas
This article will disscuss about MEF, how to start working in this, etc.
by Rob Manderson
How to define and implement COM interfaces inside an MFC class
by Markus Koppensteiner
Shows how to use OpenCV to write videos, how to implement mouse events, and presents some commands on image manipulation as well.
by Markus Koppensteiner
Explains how to use some OpenCV commands for video manipulation.
by Michael Groeger
An introduction to monitoring performance of applications.
by Niladri_Biswas
In this tutorial, we will learn about SSIS Balanced Data Distributor (BDD)
by Dave Handley
Basic introduction to producing parsers with the boost::spirit library.
by David Salter
An article describing more basic use of the log4net library.
Part two of this series introduces signing and encryption principals. It explains the steps to digitally sign and encrypt a message using the WSE and an X.509 certificate.
This article explains the first steps to build secure Web Services. It introduces the WSE specification and the easiest authentication mechanism based on username identification and password validation.
by Matt Berther
An introduction to web services via creating a web service to retrieve the daily Dilbert image and a client to consume this service.
by xwp
An media player looks like Microsoft MediaPlayer10
by sunhui
This paper gives a general MFC application wizard which supports .NET Framework.
by peterboulton
A re-usable calculator custom control which works and looks like a hand held calculator, which can be used in any MFC application by simply adding a cpp and a h file to the project (no resource file dependencies).
by Roger Allen
A plug-in architecture which allows you to write plug-in DLLs for your application and extend/modify its functionality.
by TEiseler
An MFC picture control to dynamically show pictures in a dialog.
by Christopher Camacho
A class derived from CListCtrl that allows edit controls, combo boxes, check boxes, date pickers, and color pickers to be inserted into or removed from particular cells extremely easily. The inserted 'controls' are not CWnd-derived.
by Tony Ioanides
An MS Outlook-style mini-calendar control using WTL
by Tarundeep Singh Kalra
At times, we need to query NTSTATUS code lookup through FormatMessage function, this is not so handy. So I decided to write a NTSTATUS error code lookup application.
by Derek Bartram
This article, the first of a series of articles, presents an objective analytical analysis of language performance for Java and C# .NET
by Simon Segal
Implementing an Observer Pattern for an Extended ListView Event Model
by Dan Bunea
Describes how to use C# attributes , ADO.NET and C# to persist objects to databases.
by Binoy R
This article is based on a pre-release version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, formerly code-named “Whidbey”. All information contained herein is subject to change.
by Marc Clifton
An RSS 2.0 Blog Reader Written in MyXaml
by Doru Cioata
A class built around the use of ShGetFileInfo() function.
by Jack Hui
It is an SMPP implementation of v3.3 and v3.4 ( partial support). You can use it to connect to SMSC and send/receive SMS.
by Bertus Kruger
A simple e-mail component.
by Jack Hui
A multi-node Tree class by using map and vector
by Ambidextrous Coder
A portable implementation of a templated, STL-compliant math vector class.
by Mo Hossny
An STL-Like Vector with Matlab indexing facilities.
by Fabio Ottavi
A simple implementation of a driver for a virtual smart card reader, based on UMDF
by Chris Maunder
What looks like a normal pushbutton - until the user tries to click on it.
by Yubo Dong
An updated wrapper class to retrieve and modify id3 tag information for a given MP3 file.
by Nadeem Ghias
Implements a Registry equivalent using an XML file and a lazy write mechanism.
by Marc Clifton
View and edit your XML database schema and data
by Bryan Ray
In this article, I'm going to show how to generate a dynamic MenuStrip (.NET 2.0's replacement of the MainMenu control) using recursion in C#. The MenuStrip will be based on XML data which contains all the details about the generated Menu.
by Willem Fourie
This tool extends the Microsoft XSD tool to provide quality and robust auto-generated code that is easy to use.
by Abbas_Riazi
Add an analog clock to your project (A tutorial for creating CStatic derived controls)
by Mohammad Dayyan
A simple analog clock in Expression Blend 2
by Mohammad Dayyan
A simple analog clock in WPF
by John Orendt
Combination Analog Digital Clock Screen Saver and App, settings include Colors and update interval.
by Andrew Peace
(Yet) another screen saver for the Code Project competition, with code in C# and (coming soon) some details about how certain aspects of the code involved work.
by John J Espiritu
An android-style notification component for .NET Framework.
by Vladimir Ralev
This article shows how to create an animated menu, on any CWnd
by Anton Stuck
A class that provides some simple, yet spectacular window animation effects. Try the demo!
by dTianx
How to create a RichEdit control to display animated emoticons like MSN Messenger's.
by thomasdev
Displays an animated progress in windows statusbar, NOT using the progressbar-control!
by Jevgenij Pankov
AnimatedIcon Control plays an animation as a sequence of images stored in the ImageList. The article demonstrates how to show an animated icon on the StatusBar.
by sudhir_Kumar
This class helps to animate a tray icon.
by Robert Rohde
A component to make Windows Forms controls more dynamic by adding animation capabilities.
by lneir
Animates an object along a geometric path
by SimonS
This article is the first in a series on various aspects of SVG.
by Mostafa Kaisoun
Using Multimedia MCI Control to make animation in VB6
by Daron Yndem
My favorite feature of ASP.NET 2.0 is Web Parts. But the anonymous users in ASP.NET cannot save personalization data and can't use Web Parts design options. This article describes how we can solve this problem in a tricky way.
by Mystic_Unicorn
Adress book which uses XML to store contacts.
by Lecha
Demonstrates the use of animated GIFs in WPF applications.
by Han Bo Sun
An article on how to turn compilable C++ source code into HTML page so that the source is highlighted for display.
by Yoramo
Class Factory based on C# events & delegate
by Johnson Zhou
To process user input from a HTML interface in windows using MFC
by Manster
Another article which shows you how to dynamically create an image from text in ASP.NET.
by Hoang Khanh Nguyen
A highly object-oriented ListView control with varying-height items and support of complex data types
by Andres Kaasik
Illustrates how MFC based List View content can be printed.
by Marc Clifton
A discussion of the Dispose method, how to use it, when to use it, and problems using it.
by Patrik Bohman
A customizable month calendar with support for date formatting.
by Aamir Butt
An article on how to put and get information to an OLE Structured Document.
by S.C.Wong
A profiler which calculates the total and execution time elapsed for each function profiled
by SteveKing
A registry class with overloaded operators to use registry values like normal variables
by Abin
A report style CListCtrl supporting sorting, sub-item editing, sub-item image, sub-item color etc.
by Ruxo Zheng
Lessons learnt from writing a screensaver with WPF
by Joaquín M López Muñoz
A library for enumeration of serial ports that works on 9x, NT 4.0 and 2000, XP and CE platforms
by Rob Manderson
Adding MAPI functionality to your application.
by Hung Nguyen
A very simple splitter control for dialogs
by imagiro
A simple thread pool with minimal dependencies
by Aju.George
Another Visual Studio like ToolBox control.
by jan larsen
A stress tester for web apps
by Bjornar Henden
A WTL Grid mostly aimed for use against databases.
by Hamed Musavi
Some description about TAPI + a sample incomplete answering machine
by Marcello Cantelmo
Simple check for break-points on eXecution of a system debugger!
by MeterMan
This example will show you how to use doublebuffering and hopefully allows you to make images move across your screen.
by Chris Losinger
A utility to edit IE URL history
by Redgate Software
ANTS Profiler allows you to identify slow lines of code in .NET applications within 5 minutes of installation, allowing you to get on with what you do best – writing code.
by Paul J. Weiss
C++ implementation of the Doomsday Rule to determine the weekday
by Roberto Loreto
Very often, we need to intercept method calls and enable some code to run before/after a method call of an external type (.NET object). Learn how to do this.
by Elias Bachaalany
An article to show how to write a code that will unify two different API set into one
by sam242
A new approach to API hooking which takes advantage of compiler hotpatch support
by Ivo Ivanov
The article demonstrates how to build a user mode Win32 API spying system
by xryl669
Some useful tricks and tips before being able to detect a deadlock.
by xryl669
The final article about API hooking, with a working example of a thread deadlock detector.
by AlexAbramov
In this article, I will talk about the theories and implementations of API hooking. API hooking is a powerful technique that allows someone to hijack a function and redirect it to a custom one. Anything can be done in these functions before passing control back to the original API.
by Parag Paithankar
Shows undocumented stuff to monitor 3rd party applications
by Jaime Olivares
An alternative to standard Windows AppBars with minimal changes to your application.
by Robin Galloway-Lunn
Application and component configuration from XML .config files.
by Anthony Bouch
An application configuration editor using the PropertyGrid control.
by alonvx
Type-safe access to read-only or read/write configuration file variables using "one-line-of-code".
by Nelson Kosta Souto
Application configuration settings .NET & VB 6 with XML
by DaveyM69
A WinForms component to notify when your app has been idle for a specified timespan.
by Tiago Conceição
Application Management makes your application's life easier. It will automatically do memory management, handle and log unhandled exceptions, profile your functions, make your application single instance, and also provide utility functions to get system information.
Testing a new image interpolation algorithm.
by Not Active
An example of building an application suite using reflection and custom attributes to dynamically discover and add child applications.
by Andreas Saurwein
How to (really) annoy your friends and foes or even your boss.
by siva pinnaka
This article explains how to migrate data between different SQL Server environments.
by Don Kackman
Calling Application.EnableVisualStyles prevents images from an ImageList from appearing on Windows Common Controls
by Jeffrey Walton
Encrypt data using Block Ciphers with Crypto++.
by Jeffrey Walton
How to Choose a Crypto++ Pseudo Random Number Generator
by Jeffrey Walton
Create and Verify RSA Digital Signatures with Appendix Using Crypto++
by Serge Lobko-Lobanovsky
This article illustrates a practical implementation of one of the common tasks that developers face every day, using reflection.
by sebma
Concluding article for simple distributed application logging
by Softwaremaker
Explains the pros and cons of implementing Single-Sign-On to your application and the code implementation to do it via VB.NET and LDAP.
by MrPolite
Shows you how to apply a texture to a bitmap.
by Liong Ng
This article describes the steps to develop simple chat applications using .NET remoting and the Observer pattern.
by Shams Mukhtar
This article will enhance your vision on the usage of Robustness Analysis in conjunction with Model View Controller, using UML with application in ASP.NET. This article is a sequel to my articles on Architecture and Design with ASP.NET.
by abhinaba
This article discusses how an application can apply visual effects to the desktop, by copying desktop contents, applying effects on it and then re-displaying it.
by Pankaj.Patel
Applying the XP-look style with the hot key feature to the TabControl.
by Steve Thresher
Apply Windows XP visual styles to applications without a rebuild.
by No Namegiven
Sample custom button control to help you write your own custom controls
by centuriJon
A program that can keep track of different chemical levels in an aquarium, using DataGrid with DataSet and DataTable and other Windows Forms
by Tarek Eslim
Allows Arabic POS system developers to work the easiest way on thier receipt printers.
by Darroll Walsh
Extremely simple crypto class
by Kam
An Arcball module using CsGL in C#.
by Anton Pious Alfred
Most systems that use Stored Procedures make use of SQL parameters to send and receive information from the database. The code to create these SQL parameters and then populating them is repeated throughout the system. This article describes how to automate this code.
by Wesner Moise
An detailed look at the implementation of Arrays and ArrayLists.
by shalafiraistlin
This is a solution implementation to the well-known art gallery problem using polygon triangulation and 3-coloring methods
by Binoy R
Whidbey is a major component of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET suite. The .NET version of Visual Basic is a new improved version with more features and additions. After these new additions, VB.NET qualifies to become a more smarter approach for the software developers.
by Binoy R
This article explains step by step dynamic creation of an SQL Server database, tables and stored procedure through Whidbey (or VB.NET).
by Binoy R
This article explains how we can display data using DataSet and DataGrid control after the database is created.
by Binoy R
Display data using Dataset and Data Grid control after the database is created
by Tom Ollar, Jim Bennett
Describes an implementation of UI animation for the support of Test-Driven Development.
by Tom Ollar, Jim Bennett
Building a UI platform in C#
by dzzxyz
This application demonstrates how to write a VB client for an AI chat bot.
by juancaruca
Artificial Vision: AINECC color model in edge detection. Entirely OpenCV code.
by Jason Henderson
Draw and animate ASCII characters to a window using this COM object.
by Sau Fan Lee
ASCII Art generator in ASP.NET.
by carlop()
An article about converting ASCII/Multibyte to Unicode using C# and SQL/CLR integration.
by Asim_Abbasi
Learn to implement RFC using Visual Basic as in the project we have implemented two RFC for Internet Relay Chat.
by David Crow
This article is a brief discussion on how to use FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification
by Drag0nHunter
ASM.Net a assembly x86 emulator which emulates the language the managed way
by SaschaMichael
An editor for 64-bit assembler code.
by Liping Dai
An editor to view, analyse and modify ASN.1 DER encoded data
by aa2max
ASP Content Mangement System.
by Vincenzo Rossi
EasyForm allows you to create ASP.NET-like forms, with state keeping and server side event handling
by amattice
Date Format function for VBScript / Classic ASP
by Lee Fuller
ASP to ASP.NET Session Bridge Using a Web Service
by Nathan Ridley
An ASP class (Classic ASP) that generates a dynamic html tree list control that looks the same as a windows explorer tree but allows multiple columns of data per tree node
ASP TreeView is a advanced ASP control that's base on Server side / Client side technique. server side: Asp + JScript, client side: Jscript + HTML.
by Kareem Shaker
Master Pages is a great addition to ASP.NET 2.0. It's so important for templatizing your website, you will learn how to create master pages and content pages, with one simple example and some useful tips.
by mysorian
Walkthrough of generating a report from a SQL 2000 Server using the Reporting Services.
by Ali Khan (OKC)
This article lists the techniques that you can use to maximize the performance of your ASP.NET applications. It provides common issues, design guidelines, and coding tips to build optimal and robust solutions.
by James Sullivan
In this article, I would like to share my experience and knowledge about ASP.NET Caching and how it can improve your website performance.
by McGiv
Helper class that generates and registers a client side script which sets focus to a control during the loading of the page.
by Mike Ellison
An example of persisting and parsing a custom collection in an ASP.NET server control.
by Eric Woodruff
A set of common, reusable page classes for ASP.NET applications.
by Eric Woodruff
Detecting changes in data controls in ASP.NET Web Forms.
by Eric Woodruff
An ASP.NET page class that has the ability to e-mail its rendered content.
by Eric Woodruff
A utility class containing some useful features for ASP.NET applications.
by Rahul Singla
Scroll any ASP.NET server side or HTML controls vertically or horizontally in any direction
by Paul Ingles
A set of controls that when placed on a web form help to prevent abuse of registration pages by forcing users to enter the security code displayed in a picture.
by Steven Betts
Produce controls that encapsulate client-side script that are easily reused and provide dynamic behavior without incurring the overhead of frequent calls to the server.
by Tony Truong
ASP.NET DataGrid Header plug-in that allows the header to stay on screen.
by Humayun Shabbir
This article provides basic knowhow of creating a dynamic website control panel using ASP.NET.
by lotuspro
An implementation of a DropDownList Control Adapter which provides OptionGroup support.
by Krishna_accent
ASP.NET dynamic XML web menu control based on JavaScript.
by BrianLaF
Intranet file upload dialog box with overwrite prompt and file archiving.
by Padoor Shiras
ASP.NET GridView Columns with Collapsible panel to display additional information without postback
by Aparna Lakshminarayanan
An ASP.NET GridView with a search option in the footer.
by mysorian
Guest Entry form with an XML control.
by Dilbert2004
Shows an easy way of building a guestbook using ADO.NET and Access
by joaoPaulo
A tool to set one specific IIS Virtual Directory for a lot versions of the same web project.
by Jeff X. Chang
Paged table data display in DataGrid by selecting letter from a letter list which is derived from existing data.
by Rolf Szomor
A work-around for ASP.NET menu parent menuitem highlighting.
by Jonathan Nethercott
Simple voting control for MVC projects, using a partial view
by Ashish Kaila
An outlook style toolbar control in ASP.NET
by Wraith01
Easiest way to authenticate users without cookies.
by Harry Kimpel
A brief description on how to set-up MySQL as session state store for ASP.NET.
by Humayun Shabbir
Searching database and showing results in DataGrid control.
by Murthy Rojukhirdu
ASP.NET tree control is a Custom Control (.ascx) that builds a tree structure. All you have to do is to use two methods of the control. The AddNodeDiv which will add the Node and BuildTree which will build it.
by James W. Threadgill
An article demonstrating the use of Dreamweaver MX to create a simple ASP.NET application.
by Paul Riley
Demistifying the mysterious ASP.NET validator controls, allowing fast and painless validation of Web Forms.
by TigerNinja_
Use Managed C++ as your code-behind file for ASP.NET web pages
by Donald A. Thumim
An article on creating a custom control that acts like the "Delete All" checkboxes found on web-based email services.
by l a u r e n
A shell application for the asp2php utility.
by Davy Mitchell
An ASP-DHTML MDI framework for site administration.