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by Mircea Neacsu
Various algorithms for 2D interpolation
by Sudhir Tiwari
8/15 puzzle using A* (A Star) algorithm.
by DP17000
A rudimentary expert system in VBA/ Excel 2013
by Darryl Bryk
C# code for a low-pass Butterworth filter is presented

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by Mircea Neacsu
Various algorithms for 2D interpolation
by Sudhir Tiwari
8/15 puzzle using A* (A Star) algorithm.
by DP17000
A rudimentary expert system in VBA/ Excel 2013
by Darryl Bryk
C# code for a low-pass Butterworth filter is presented

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by rtybase
In this article, I am presenting a sorting schema, hugely inspired by the Bucket and Proxmap sorting algorithms.
by rtybase
A* search explained
by Eric Z (Jing)
Evaluation order matters!
by xszaboj
What is Algorithm Time Complexity?
by Isaac RF
ASO – App Store Optimization for Beginners
by Philipp_Engelmann
While programming languages are becoming more and more powerful and abstract, knowing about the underlying algorithms and data structures and when and how to use them is still key to writing efficient and elegant programs.
by The Sun God
Comparison of the various sorting algorithms on the basis of several factors
by Debashis 10433656
How to create an ASP.NET control for image resizer and cropper keeping aspect ratio
by Philipp_Engelmann
With recent scientific advancements in Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, as well as steadily evolving tools such as Tensorflow, Pytorch, and Keras, writing, testing and optimizing your own Neural Networks is now easier than ever before.
by aroman
In this post I implement a Density Matrix Renormalization Group program.
by Sandeep Mewara
An optimization programming technique
by Richard James Moss
How to find the nearest colors using Euclidean distance
by Eric Z (Jing)
The traditional way to solve the ZigZag Conversion problem is to either build a 2d table or find a pattern among the index of the letters on the same row. There is also a beautiful solution which builds on top of Breadth First Search. Continue reading..
by Sandeep Mewara
A look into graph based algorithm
by Philipp_Engelmann
How to implement Gradient Descent in Go
by rtybase
This post is dedicated to K-Means Clustering Algorithm, used for unsupervised learning.
by IAmJoshChang
Graphs are one of the most common questions that might show up in a technical interview, especially in these days where many real-world applications can be represented by nodes and edges such as the social networks!
by IAmJoshChang
How to traverse a postorder binary tree
by Sandeep Mewara
Linear-time partition: A divide & conquer based selection algorithm
by Keyhole Software
We often model interconnected data by cramming it in and out of table structures. Why don’t we simply model interconnected data as … interconnected data?
by Alexey Kurakin
This article describes generic priority queue implementation in C#, which uses min-heap as underlying storage.
by Mohammad Nasirifar
My status report while trying to understand why the exact same code Runs 1000s (not kidding) of times slower in Python
by xszaboj
How to count Time Complexity?
by xszaboj
Time complexity – asymptotic notations
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Introduction and Background As the title suggests, this post is a personal recommendation for the users of Microsoft Cognitive Services, the services that provide a cloud-based subscription-based solution for artificially intelligent software applications, with an any team, any purpose and any scale
by Trần_Tuấn_Anh
Understanding synchronization in Java is crucial for developing multi-threaded applications. One of the powerful synchronization tools available in Java is the CyclicBarrier. This article delves into what a CyclicBarrier is, how it works, and provides practical examples and demo results.