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by Michael Haephrati
We were asked to develop a piece of software which will select an optimal combination of sentences from e-books which will give the closest result to a set of targets for each character.
by Jian_Zhang
Democratizing AI with Intel-Optimized Software
by Stephane Capo
C++ optimization for map using string key among others
by Pravin baskaran
A python implementation of an ant colony optimization algorithm with offline pheromone update to solve ry48p, an asymmetric travelling sales man problem

Latest Articles

by Michael Haephrati
We were asked to develop a piece of software which will select an optimal combination of sentences from e-books which will give the closest result to a set of targets for each character.
by Jian_Zhang
Democratizing AI with Intel-Optimized Software
by Stephane Capo
C++ optimization for map using string key among others
by Pravin baskaran
A python implementation of an ant colony optimization algorithm with offline pheromone update to solve ry48p, an asymmetric travelling sales man problem

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by Michael Haephrati
We were asked to develop a piece of software which will select an optimal combination of sentences from e-books which will give the closest result to a set of targets for each character.
by Jian_Zhang
Democratizing AI with Intel-Optimized Software
by Pravin baskaran
A python implementation of an ant colony optimization algorithm with offline pheromone update to solve ry48p, an asymmetric travelling sales man problem
by matt warren
Coz: Finding Code that Counts with Causal Profiling - An Introduction
by Sreekanth Mothukuru
In this article, we are going to create an ASP.NET Web Forms application using Bootstrap, Bundle Resources and Web API
by Ben M Watson
Get into the details of .NET array access optimization and how you can pattern your code for efficiency.
by Michael Sydney Balloni
See how Rust stacks up against C-ish, C++, and C#
by Sanmayce
Tuned function for searching a needle in a haystack
by D Sarthi Maheshwari
Discussing about streams... about streaming... about functional streaming... and nothing else
by D Sarthi Maheshwari
Discussing about streams... about streaming... about functional streaming... and nothing else.
by Jeffrey T. Fritz
Traditioanlly, Roofline charts have been built by hand, but Intel Advisor will build these charts for you. Roofline charts show you where your bottlenecks are, and why those bottlenecks are happening.
by Arnaldo P. Castaño
This document describes a tabu Search algorithm embedded in a multiobjective framework capable of finding solutions to the zoning problem by allowing the optimization of multiple objectives.
by Ryan Scott White
A fast, possibly the fastest, square root function for Big Integers and Floats in C# and Java.
by Charles Oder
To optimize, or not to optimize, that is the question...
by Intel
Maximizing HPC Platforms for Fast Numerical Simulations
by Vinod Vijayan
List that combines the advantage of array and linked-list and has better performance
by Iqra Ali
The article explains the concept of Sanity Testing and the implementation using TestNG features.
by Jeremy C. Ong
In this article, we’ll introduce you to the usage and expected benefits of using Mali Offline Compiler as a key step in your game development workflow.
by Michael Sydney Balloni
A "new" queue data structure is described and compared with existing collection types
by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
A very fast and simple algorithm to solve a Sudoku using boolean operations
by matt warren
Stack Overflow - Performance lessions (Part 2)
by Android on Intel
This blog covers some Tips and Tricks on memory optimization and working with textures and was compiled by Steve Hughes who works as an Applications Engineer for Visual Computing at Intel.
by Randy Maxwell
Sorting during data acquisition
by RegularJoe5150
A reformulation of compressed pair into a type list