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MVC Master Detail Example with Partial View and Modal Dialog

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18 Nov 2015 1  
MVC Master Detail example with partial view and modal dialog


In this sample, I'm going to show how to develop an application for editing master-detail entities in a single page. In this sample, I have utilized JQuery Ajax feature as well as JQuery.UI dialog extension.

Using the Code

Home Page

Home Index view has been made of three DIVs: logo, navigation and contentFrame like this:

        <td colspan="2">
            <div id="logo"> </div>
    <tr style="height:600px">
        <td id="navigation" style="width:200px; ">
                @{Html.RenderAction("Index", "Orders");}
            <div id="contentFrame">

I have selected Orders as master entity and have implemented it as a PartialView. This entity is loaded inside navigation DIV by using this code:

@{Html.RenderAction("Index", "Orders");}

On controller side, we need to change Index controller action to return PartialView instead of View. Also, I have added an integer parameter to get page number from view:

public ActionResult Index(int? page)
    var orders = db.Orders.Include(o => o.Customer).OrderByDescending(o => o.OrderDate);
    int pageNumber = page ?? 1;
    int pageSize = 3;
    return PartialView(orders.ToPagedList(pageNumber,pageSize));

Master Entity

As I mentioned, I have selected Order as master entity. To make this entity loaded as a PartialView inside contentFrame DIV, we need to change Create, Edit and Delete buttons. For Create button, first we set its id attribute to btnCreateNew to find this object through JavaScript:

@Html.ActionLink("Create New", "Create",new {}, new {id="btnCreateNew" })

Then, we wire up its click event to load Create View inside contentFrame:

$('#btnCreateNew').click(function (e) {
    $('#contentFrame').mask("waiting ...");
    $('#contentFrame').load(this.href, function (response, status, xhr) {
        $('#contentFrame').unmask("waiting ...");

Because it might take time to load PartialView, it’s recommended to show a loadmask inside contentFrame when it is loading data:

$('#contentFrame').mask("waiting ...");

After loading PartailView was finished, loadmask should disappear with this function call:

$('#contentFrame').unmask("waiting ...");

We need to include these JS and CSS files in web application:


You may put these two files inside BundleConfig.cs as I did. Also, we should put this image file in application:


For more information about JQuery loadmask, please refer to this web address:

Because there is more than one Edit button, we set its btnName attribute to btnEdit to find these objects through JavaScript:

@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", 
new { id = item.OrderID }, new { btnName = "btnEdit" }) 

Then, we wire up its click event to load Edit View inside contentFrame:

$('a[btnName=btnEdit]').click(function (e) {
    $('#contentFrame').mask("waiting ...");
    $('#contentFrame').load(this.href, function (response, status, xhr) {
        $('#contentFrame').unmask("waiting ...");

Delete button is the same as Edit button.

Detail Entity

I have selected Order Items as detail entity. We show detail entity only in master entity's Edit View. So we need to load OrderItems Index view as a PartialView inside Order's Edit View and pass OrderID as a parameter to its action:

<div id="detailFrame">
    @{Html.RenderAction("Index", "OrderItems",new {OrderID = Model.OrderID});}

We need to get OrderID as a parameter in Index action of the OrderItems and filter Order Items to return only order items for this order:

public ActionResult Index(int OrderID,int? page)
    ViewBag.OrderID = OrderID;
    var orderItems = db.OrderItems.Include(oi => oi.Order).Include
    (oi => oi.Product).OrderByDescending(oi => oi.OrderItemID);
    int pageSize = 3;
    int pageNumber = page ?? 1;
    return PartialView(orderItems.Where(oi => oi.OrderID == OrderID).ToPagedList(pageNumber,pageSize));

Create and Edit Detail Entity

For creating and editing detail entity, we need to open modal dialog that I already have developed an example about. For more information about creating and editing entity through modal dialog and adding other functionalities such as filtering and sorting, please take a look at my previous article titled: "MVC pagination, filtering and sorting inside partial view with edit in modal dialog" at this URL:


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